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Tracking Options in MGID Ads

This article covers the available options to track conversions in MGID Ads.


MGID Pixel (JS code)

Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Postback, S2S


Native Integration


There are a few options you can choose to track conversions. 

  1. MGID Pixel (JS code): This is one effective way to track the performance of your campaigns. When a user clicks on your ad and lands on your website, the pixel records when the user performs the desired action, such as making a purchase. This data is then sent back to MGID, where it can be used to optimize your campaign and improve its performance. MGID pixel code allows you to display ads to visitors who have previously interacted with your site.
  2. MGID Pixel via GTM (Google Tag Manager): For those who don’t know how to code, Google Tag Manager allows you to implement the MGID pixel code to your site and set up conversions.
  3. Postback (S2S): Server-to-server integration reports a user's action on a website or app. Postback is the most precise method, as it allows you to track multiple conversions and usually requires a tracker.


For the MGID Pixel and MGID Pixel via GTM options, ensure that adclid parameter is  transferred through all pages of the funnel for successful conversion tracking. The adclid parameter will be added to the link automatically. 


Additionally, we can set up:

4. Webhooks: Serve as a real-time communication method for tracking conversions: they enable applications to instantly notify others when a specific event, like a purchase or form submission, occurs.

5. Native integration: Refers to a built-in connection or interface between two software applications or systems that allow them to communicate and share data seamlessly without the need for additional plugins or middleware.

There is an option to create (add) up to 3 conversion goals. Goals help you track user actions, such as clicks, subscriptions, and purchases. Feel free to choose an existing goal or create one from scratch. You can set up the primary goal (e.g., conversion or lead) and two additional goals (e.g., add to cart or sign up for an email) from your funnel.

Setting up multiple goals is essential for campaign optimization. For instance, if you have a Lead Generation Offer, the first goal might be filling out the form (registration form/lead), the next goal might be the form submission (qualified lead), and the final third goal might be making the sale. By tracking all these stages, you can quickly identify the sources that you need to pay attention to.

MGID Pixel (JS code)

This option only works when you have access to the offer's page source code and can implement the JavaScript code.

  1. Open the campaign settings in the Dashboard and navigate to the Conversion tracking section.
  2. Activate the MGID Pixel option. Then, get the Pixel code.


3. Ensure that the Pixel JavaScript code is placed in the source code for all targeted pages, starting from your Landing Page and ending with the Target page (e.g., “thank you”) of the promoted website. 

Place the Pixel JavaScript code high up in the web page’s body. This helps to avoid statistical discrepancies. 

4. Set your Goals and add them to the conversion settings section to receive performance statistics.

For example, by selecting URL Contains option, you can set the Thank you page URL as a final sale page in your funnel and track it. See the example below:


For Event code, enter the event name and click on the Get event code button. You will be able to choose from two options: onclick (script that fires when a user clicks on a specific button/area) or window script (script that fires when a specific page is loaded).



Adclid/Adclida parameter

In the event you have a specific parameter name for our click_id macro , our system will automatically add our tracking parameter adclida. You can see an example of this in the screenshot below. The parameter name “beautiful” is displayed alongside the tracking parameter adclida and would appear such in the tracking tags: adclida=beautiful.


You can learn more about our pixel installation and configuration of events on our blog. 

Google Tag Manager (GTM)

If you wish to utilize Google Tag Manager on your website or if you have access to the GTM container already, you may use this quick and easy-to-use tracking option. 

There is no need to copy/paste the JS pixel code from your MGID account if you are planning to set up Pixel with Google Tag Manager (GTM). Instead, select the MGID pixel template in the GTM Template Gallery.

To browse the gallery, visit https://tagmanager.google.com/gallery. Each template detail page provides additional information about the template, the author, and any required permissions.


Postback, S2S

If you don't have access to the offer's page source code, you can use a third-party tracking system to track your sales/leads/conversions/subscriptions/registrations, or you can utilize your own tracking tool for postbacks.

Our system requires that you include the {click_id} parameter in the tracking link. This is done to optimize the campaign's performance (increase/decrease the traffic from several sources) and track conversions successfully.

You can set a specific event in your system, and depending on the event (the action performed by the visitor), you can insert the required data in your postback URL. For instance, if the event is a lead, we would include the following data in the request URL: https://a.mgid.com/postback?c={click_id}&e=lead(+client ID)&r. 

Where "r" is the amount of revenue (if applicable).


What is a Webhook?

A webhook is a way for web applications to send automatic notifications or callbacks to other applications in real-time. It eliminates the need for constant checking by allowing applications to communicate directly when specific events occur. It can be used for tasks like receiving payment notifications, integrating with social media, automating actions, and enabling application-to-application data exchange.

How is a webhook different from a Postback?

Webhook is an HTTP callback where one application sends data to a specified URL when an event occurs. The communication flow is from sender to receiver.

Postback is a request sent back to the same server that originated the initial request. It's commonly used for client-server communication in web development. The communication flow is between the client and the server.

Available integrations with MGID via webhooks

Native Integration

Available native integration: