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Conversion Tracking: Setup Checklist

In this article:

The core conversion tracking setup on the MGID side

The conversion tracking setup on the third-party side

Additional settings required by your chosen tracking method

Tracking link settings (Tracking Tags)

Conversion Tracking Considered Fully Enabled?

Setting up conversion tracking in MGID Ads is essential for understanding user interactions such as sign-up, purchase, or any other action valuable to the advertiser. Without this data, it is impossible to do manual optimization or expect AI optimization. Also, the key metrics—such as CPA, Profit, Revenue, ROAS, and Conversions—will not be reflected in the dashboard if you skip the conversion tracking setup.

This checklist is an easy guide for a successful tracking setup.

The core conversion tracking setup on the MGID side includes:

  1. Conversion tracking method selection - choose the tracking method that works in your case: Pixel, Pixel via Google Tag Manager, Postback, Webhook, or Native integration.
  2. Conversion goals defining – set up specific conversion goals relevant to your campaign success.
  3. Tracking Links configuration – add tracking tags to collect and analyze essential performance data.

The conversion tracking setup on the third-party side

While MGID handles the core configurations, additional settings should be managed on your tracking system's end. The additional settings might include:

  • Postback link insertion
  • Webhook event creation
  • Third-party integration adjustments

Additional settings required by your chosen tracking method


Before you begin, make sure to read these linked articles for a detailed overview.

To successfully implement Pixel tracking, you’ll need to complete the core setup steps along with the following specific configurations:

1. The Pixel Code insertion on every page of the funnel is preferably but mandatory only on:
  • The first page of the funnel where users land after clicking an ad.
  • All pages where conversions occur to ensure accurate tracking.
2. The conversion type selection: 
  • URL-based (tracks conversion based on the URL of the page and conditions selected in MGID Ads).
  • Event-based conversions 

Use event snippet code for either page load (works similar to URL condition) or click on an element.

Pixel via Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Before you begin, make sure to read these linked articles for a detailed overview: 

With this tracking method, all you need to do is select it within MGID Ads, and the rest of the setup is seamlessly handled in Google Tag Manager.


Before you begin, make sure to read these linked articles for a detailed overview.

To set up tracking with Postback method, you’ll need to complete the general setup along with the following configurations:

  1. A real third-party GET parameter for {click_id} macro in the Tracking link settings (Tracking Tags).
  2. Postback link generation and its subsequent insertion in the third-party system. Separate endpoint (link) for each conversion goal.


Before you begin, make sure to read this linked article for a detailed overview.

To set up tracking with the Webhook method, you’ll need to complete the general setup along with the following configurations:

  1. Vendor selection that will define GET parameter for {click_id} macro.
  2. Webhook link generation and its subsequent insertion in the third-party system. A separate endpoint (link) for each conversion goal.

Native Integration

Each native integration follows a customized setup process tailored to its specific requirements and functionality. Read these linked articles to find out more details about the set up process.

Tracking link settings (Tracking Tags)

You can add macros to your tracking links for precise data collection. All supported macros are available as chip buttons in the interface.


When a user clicks on an ad, the selected macros are automatically appended to the tracking link and replaced with real values. This enables your third-party system to capture essential click data directly from the tracking link when default parameters (on the left side from the macro) are replaced with the correct parameters the third-party system uses.

  • Various analytical tools' UTM tags should be added here as well to transfer data to those systems on demand.
  • While most macros are optional, {click_id} is mandatory for postback and webhook tracking and automatically included in other tracking methods.
  • Important: Avoid adding the tracking link here—only include the necessary data parameters for tracking purposes, those will be added to the tracking link automatically.

When is Conversion Tracking Considered Fully Enabled?

Conversion tracking setup is considered complete when the following steps are successfully implemented:

1. The tracking method is selected.

2. Conversion goal(s) defined by specifying:

  • A conversion name for easy identification;
  • The appropriate conversion category;
  • A unique identifier (such as a URL condition or event name).

3. Comprehensive сonfiguration finished on each side – implement all necessary settings required by your chosen tracking method, along with MGID’s internal settings.

4. Successful test conversion processed – this test conversion must be completed and properly reflected in the MGID interface to confirm that tracking is working correctly.

Once all these steps are in place, your conversion tracking is fully enabled.