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Test Conversion Flow in MGID Ads

Setting up conversion tracking is an essential part of campaign setup. After configuring your settings, the final step is to test if everything works properly.

Test conversion is performed on the client side from the dashboard.

Ensure all the required campaign configurations are in place, set up the event for conversion tracking, and then you can proceed with a test conversion.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the list of campaigns and select the one you will run test conversion for.


2. Navigate to the Ads interface of the campaign you want to test. Find the Ad (creative) you want to run a test conversion for and hover over the ad image. 

Click on the "eye" icon that will appear.


3. Click on any ad from the preview interface and follow all the steps that your funnel requires. 


4. Perform a desired conversion on the website.

Check the column "Test conversions" in the dashboard 5-15 minutes after the target action has been performed.

You will see your test conversion here if everything is set up correctly.

The number of test conversions will appear in the corresponding goal section (main, additional 1 or additional 2).

Please note that it may take up to 1 hour for the conversion to be reflected.

In case you can't see a column in the list you will need to add “test conversion” to your dashboard view by clicking on the "Columns" button above the campaign list table.


Note 1: It's crucial to perform the test by clicking on the URL from the preview display, not directly from the ads interface. In preview mode, the tracking parameter is adjusted for testing purposes, ensuring that the system recognizes this conversion as a test.

Note 2: If your product requires a final purchase or credit card submission, and you don't have a way to perform your tracking event without this step, you can ask your affiliate network to perform it for you. To do this, copy the link from the ad preview and share it with your affiliate manager.

If the test conversion doesn't reflect, you need to troubleshoot the issue by reviewing all stages of the tracking setup. Don't hesitate to contact your manager at MGID to help you with that.