Postback Setup in MGID Ads

This article introduces how to find the postback URL, and set Postback up in the MGID Ads system.

What is Postback?

Setting up Postback in the MGID Ads Dashboard

Tracking System Dashboard Settings

Verification of Postback URL Settings


What Is Postback?

Postback (pingback, S2S pixel, postback, pingback) is a mechanism to transfer data from an affiliate program (or from an advertiser) to a tracking system, provided that the user has performed the target action.

Setting up Postback in the MGID Ads Dashboard

You can track up to three conversion goals using Postback. Select the option to achieve Postback conversion in your ad campaign settings and set up its transfer from your site.

Start by creating an event and Postback URL in the MGID dashboard.

Follow these steps:

  • Create a new advertising campaign or edit an existing one by clicking on its respective icon in the dashboard.


2. Navigate to the Conversion tracking section and select the Postback option in the Tracking settings tab.


3. Add a new conversion goal and create a unique name for the goal. We recommend adding the client’s ID to the goal name (e.g., test_even_123456). In addition, you can select an existing goal.

This field accepts only Latin letters and numbers; when filled in, it is automatically assigned as the "e" parameter. 

You can also indicate the conversion cost (optional).


Repeat these steps (i.e., add another goal) if you want to track more than one conversion goal.


4. Click Get Postback URL and then copy the URL. Save the link on your device, as you will need it later.


Postback_Setup_5-15. Add the tracker’s/affiliate click ID parameter to the Tracking Tags section. Example: click_id={click_id}.


The {click_id} macro is required to transfer the hash. It can be added on the tracker's side as well.

To ensure your Postback works as intended, add the real value for the {click_id} macro in this field. For instance, if your {click_id} macro is located in the {sub_id} macro of your analytic system, you need to add sub_id={click_id} at the end of the link.

6. Save the campaign changes.

Tracking System Dashboard Settings

Add the Postback URL to the system that will transfer the data to your tracker or affiliate platform and modify it with a correct macro.



  • client_ID is a unique parameter for our system that is transferred to our system alongside the event's status.
  • c is a click ID’s macro. Replace the {click_id} with the corresponding click ID macro.
  • e=test_event is a Postback goal identifier that can be displayed in form of a {status} macro or status name.
  • r is an optional parameter to which conversion revenue or sale’s payout can be transferred. Replace the {revenue} with the corresponding macro.

You can transfer all three parameters if needed. However,  only the "c" and "e" parameters are mandatory.
Sales data ("r" parameter value) will be accepted by the system and displayed only in your account’s selected currency in the MGID system.
Our system will accept the tracking link with only MGID macros.

Verification of Postback URL Settings

Next, we recommend that you ensure postback setup was done successfully and is working properly. You can verify the setup by following this instruction.

While you check, clicks are not counted, money is not withdrawn and the verification data is not included in the statistics.

To review the Postback setup:

  • Find an existing campaign you have created
  • Navigate to the Ads section 
  • Click on the Ads preview button, displayed in the form of an eye icon


  • Click any advertisement widget and complete the conversion action.
  • View data regarding test conversions in the Campaign List and Campaign statistics interfaces (it will be displayed under the conversion column within 15 minutes).

You will receive a test trigger with information regarding the teaser and the time of its operation. Of course, in this case, Postback must be configured from the Advertiser's website.