How to Edit a Campaign in MGID Ads?

This article shows how you can copy, edit, or delete an existing Ad campaign and its items in the MGID Ads dashboard.

Contact your onboarding manager to clarify which features should be changed to improve the campaign performance.

Copy, Edit, or Delete A Campaign

There is a pop-up menu right next to each Campaign name. It allows to:

  • Edit: Change the settings for the selected campaign.
  • Copy: Create a copy of the selected campaign with the same settings. You can edit the copy after creating it (note: your ads won't be copied).
  • Delete: If you delete the selected campaign, its ads will also be deleted. However, you can still copy the campaign's settings and see statistics.


Campaign Editing Process

  1. Navigate to the MGID Ads dashboard
  2. Select the Campaign you wish to edit.
  3. Click on the pencil-like button next to the Campaign name.

You can edit any available setting after the campaign was created, except Campaign Type and Advertiser Name — contact your manager to change these fields. 

These are the campaign settings that are possible to edit after campaign creation: 

  • General settings: Campaign name
  • Campaign targeting: all settings can be edited
  • Audience targeting: all settings can be edited
  • Contextual targeting: all settings can be edited
  • Budget and limits: all settings can be edited
  • Schedule: all settings can be edited
  • Tracking settings: all settings can be edited
  • Tracking tags: all settings can be edited