The Reports Interface in MGID Ads

This guide covers the comprehensive set of features available in the Reports interface, including custom reports, templates, saving, and exporting options.

In this article:


Custom Reports Set Up

Editing and Managing Saved Reports

Report Templates

Saving and Exporting Reports

Global Limitations


The Reports section in MGID Ads is a powerful tool built to deliver in-depth insights into your campaigns. 

Here are the key features of the Reports section in MGID Ads:

  • Unified Experience: it consolidates all key reporting features within a single, intuitive interface, which allows you to set up, analyze, and export reports. As a result, it’s easier to monitor campaign performance.
  • Multiple Perspectives: it supports up to three dimensions per report, and shows data from various angles. This approach allows for a more detailed understanding of campaign performance.
  • Customizable Reporting: tailor your reports with a wide range of filters and metrics. By default, key performance metrics for clicks and conversions are enabled. Additionally, you can add impression-related metrics (however, this one may increase report loading times).

Custom Reports Set Up

Follow these steps to create a custom report:

  1. Navigate to the Report Interface from your account dashboard. The interface initially opens with the default template report.


2. Click the Plus button to create a New Report in the side menu. This action will generate a new report, which is named "Report 1" by default.


3. Customize Your Report.

Choose up to three dimensions that are most relevant to your analysis. Dimensions could include campaign ID, device type, country, etc.

  • Filters: Apply filters to narrow down the data, such as filtering by date range, campaign id, or other filters.
  • Metrics: Select the metrics you want to track. Available metrics include clicks, impressions, conversions, and more. Note that selecting certain metrics, like impressions, might increase the report’s loading time.


4. Review and Save the report.

As you adjust the settings, the report data will update in real-time. Review the results to ensure the report meets your needs.

Saving Options:

Once the report is set up, click "Save" to preserve the current configuration. 

The report will retain its current name (or the default “Report 1”) and will be stored in the “Saved Reports” section for easy access.

Important: If you do not click “Save” and exit the interface, your changes will not be preserved.


Select “Save as New” if you want to preserve the original report and create a new one based on the current settings. 

This option will prompt you to assign a name to the new report, which will then be saved as a separate entry in the list of custom reports.



Editing and Managing Saved Reports

You can access the saved reports from the side menu in the "Saved Reports" section anytime and resume your analysis or make additional adjustments.


Click the three-dot icon to manage the reports.


The system allows to apply the following adjustments:

  • Edit settings: Open any saved report to modify its settings. After making changes, you can choose to overwrite the existing report by clicking "Save" or create a new version by selecting "Save as New."
  • Edit Name: To better organize your reports, use the “Edit Name”. This option allows you to rename the report and update its description, making it easier to identify in the future.
  • Duplicate: If you need an exact copy of a report for further modifications, use the “Duplicate” option. The duplicated report will retain the same settings as the original, with "copy" added to the name.
  • Delete: Reports that are no longer needed can be deleted. This ensures your reports list stays organized and minimizes clutter.
  • Copy and Share: You can copy a direct link to any saved report for easy sharing with your team or stakeholders. This link allows others within the same account to view the report’s data.

Report Templates

The system allows to use of predefined report templates. Follow the steps below to manage the templates.


1. Access Templates. 

In the New Report interface, templates are listed alongside saved reports. Templates are marked with a star icon for easy identification.

2. Select a Template

Choose a template that best matches your reporting needs. Templates are pre-configured for specific use cases, such as analyzing campaign spending, campaigns data by hour etc.

3. Adjust the Template

Once a template is loaded, you can adjust its filters, metrics, and dimensions just like in a custom report. 

However, any changes made here won’t affect the original template unless you save it as a new custom report.

4. Edit Templates

To customize a template without altering the original, adjust the settings and then click “Save as New.” This will create a new report based on the template’s structure, stored separately in your custom reports list. 

Important: If you make changes to a template and do not click “Save as New,” all your changes will be discarded once you exit the report or leave the interface.

5. Actions with Templates


  • Duplicating: You can duplicate a template to create a customizable copy. This allows you to tweak the settings while keeping the original template intact.

  • Copying and Sharing: As with custom reports, you can share template reports by copying a direct link. This facilitates collaboration and data sharing within your team.

Saving and Exporting Reports

To save your report make sure it’s finalized and, click the “Save” button.  Enter a descriptive name for your report to easily recognize it later. Confirm the save to add it to your “Saved Reports” section.

To export your report  select the “Export” option from the report interface. The report will be generated and downloaded to your device as a CSV file. This file can be shared with stakeholders or further processed in external data analysis tools.

Currently, reports can be exported only in CSV format. 

Global Limitations

1. Data Period Limitation: Maximum 90-Day Data Window. Currently, the reporting tool allows for data analysis over the last 90 days. Due to the volume of data processed, this window ensures reports load quickly and remain easy to navigate.

2. Campaign Type Exclusions: Unsupported Campaign Types. The New Report does not currently support video campaigns.

3. Report Loading Times: Impact of Impression Metrics. Selecting impression metrics in your report may increase the loading time. These metrics are more resource-intensive, so they are disabled by default but can be enabled if required.