The instruction below covers tracker integration. If you want to check the partner’s documentation, please follow this link here.
Integrate AppsFlyer with MGID
Enable the MGID Integrated Partner in AppsFlyer.
- Log into the AppsFlyer dashboard:
- Click on My Apps (top, right).
- Start typing the relevant App ID and click on the thumbnail to open the App:
4. Under Configuration (bottom left), select Integrated Partners.
5. Start typing “MGID” and click on the thumbnail to open the MGID Partner.
6. Under MGID Integration, toggle Activate Partner to ON.Useful links:
Create in-app events in AppsFlyer
The steps taken in the previous section allow you to track Install Events. This section describes how to track In-App Events.
In-App Event Tracking allows for granular campaign optimization.
If you followed the previous section, you already have the necessary pane open - skip to Step 3.
1. Open the AppsFlyer dashboard.
2. Select the relevant App and navigate to Integrated Partners > MGID (see the previous section: Enable the MGID Integrated Partner).
3. Under the Integration tab, enable In-App Events Postback.
4. Under Sending Option, select 'This partner only'.
5. For each in-app event (aka SDK Event Name) fill in an MGID version of the event name (aka Partner Event Identifier):
● Event names are case-sensitive.
● They cannot contain spaces and other special symbols. The name can be ONLY a combination of A-Z letters and numbers.
● Use similar names to the SDK Event Names shown in the AppsFlyer dashboard.
● Identical names will be used later when creating in-app events in MGID (below)
A useful link:
Set up your creative link.
Obtain the AppsFlyer link.
If you followed the previous section, you already have the necessary pane open - skip to Step 3.
- Open the AppsFlyer dashboard.
- Select the relevant App and navigate to Integrated Partners > MGID (see above: Enable the MGID Integrated Partner).
- Under the Attribution Link tab, copy the Click Attribution Link created for MGID.
Sample AppsFlyer Link:{click_id}
Do not edit the Click ID portion (in red) - it should look exactly as shown.
The PID portion (in orange) tells AppsFlyer to attribute the conversion to MGID.
Set up the Campaign
- Log into the MGID dashboard and click on the “add new campaign” button.
2. After the campaign was created go to the Tab Conversion sensors - MGID.
We can add one step, or several, depending on at which stage you need to receive the tracking data.
We will use the “action - install of application” step as an example.
We need to do the following actions step-by-step:
1. Select Install APP on the Conversion Category.
2. Select the Postback tab.
3. Fill in the name of the event.
IMPORTANT! For the Appsflyer system for the Install event, you MUST use “lead” as shown above (case-sensitive) [3].
4. Click on the "Save" button.
If you need to add post-install events in MGID Dashboard, e.g., “purchase,” you have to add a new step, repeat the 1 and 2 steps mentioned above, and fill in the event name in the field [3].
Event Name: Use the same name that you provided in AppsFlyer, exactly as it appears there.
See: Create In-App Events in AppsFlyer (above).
Use the identical event name, as it appears in AppsFlyer. Event names are case-sensitive.
Appsflyer will generate a postback to MGID automatically after an event in the app is triggered.
Edit the campaign creatives.
Link the Campaign Creative to the App Store/Play Store (via AppsFlyer):
1. Log into MGID Ads.
2. Add or edit your Campaign Creative. Fill in the AppsFlyer Link obtained above as the URL, and save.
Understanding the end-to-end flow
The following steps illustrate the end-to-end flow:
1. Jack clicks on your creative. MGID appends the Click ID value (1298371) and directs Jack to the target URL:
2. AppsFlyer stores the Click ID (1298371) and directs Jack to the App Store/Play Store.
3. A bit later, Jack installs the App - which you defined as a conversion in the AppsFlyer dashboard and MGID Ads*.
4. AppsFlyer invokes the MGID postback URL, inserting Jack’s Click ID, and the event name:{1298371}&e=lead
5. MGID Ads reflect the conversion in the relevant reporting.
* A similar flow will apply for any in-app events that were defined.