Mgid Cookie Matching Guide for SSPs


Cookie matching - this is a way of collecting information about the same user by linking his identifiers from different sources.

UUID - unique user ID in the system. Most often it is a cookie file. For mobile applications can be used device id.

Matching initiator - side, which calls the pixel of the second source for matching at their sites. It can be either SSP or DSP.

Keeper of database comparisons - side, which keeps matching base. If this is an SSP, then it passes the DSP user ID in the request of the attribute user.buyeruid. If this is a DSP, then to decide on a bet, it uses the mapping in the request with its identifier.

General Info

For DSP matching is an important component of an effective purchase, because in this way they can use their existing information about the visitor (retargeting, capping, interests, etc.)

The work of the cookie-matching can be described by a picture:

When connecting cookie-matching it is important to understand who is the initiator of the match and who is the keeper of the comparison database. Depending on this it is necessary to choose one or another type of matching.

Supported cookie-matching types

There are several options for cookies matching that are supported by Mgid.

SSP - matching initiator and keeper

If SSP stores the mapping "SSP UUID" - "Mgid UUID" on its side, and initiates the matching on its sites, then:

  1. The SSP needs to provide a link for its match, for example:{DSP ID}&uuid={Mgid UUID}
    where {DSP ID} - ID DSP Mgid in SSP system, {Mgid UUID} - user ID in the Mgid system
  2. Mgid configures the work with a redirect to this link and gives the SSP a pixel to be called, for example:
    This pixel will redirect to the pixel from step 1 already with the replacement of {Mgid UUID} with the user ID.
  3. SSP, receiving this data, generates or reads for the user its cookie and writes to the database mapping "SSP UUID" - "Mgid UUID"
  4. In bid requests, the SSP sends the Mgid UUID in the user.buyeruid attribute for users who has a mapping in the database. Its own SSP UUID should always be passed in the attribute

DSP - matching initiator, SSP - keeper

If the SSP stores the mapping "SSP UUID" - "Mgid UUID" on its side, and the initiator of the match on its sites is Mgid, then:

  1. SSP must provide a link for its match, for example:{DSP ID} & uuid = {Mgid UUID}
    where {DSP ID} - ID DSP Mgid in the SSP system, {Mgid UUID} - user ID in the Mgid system
  2. Mgid configures on its sites a pixel call from step 1 with the replacement of {Mgid UUID} with the user ID.
  3. SSP when calling a pixel on Mgid sites, generates or reads for the user its cookie and writes to the database a "SSP UUID" - "Mgid UUID"
  4. To bid requests SSP sends the Mgid UUID in the user.buyeruid attribute for users who has a mapping in the database. Its own SSP UUID should always be passed in the attribute

SSP - matching initiator, DSP - keeper

If Mgid stores the mapping "SSP UUID" - "Mgid UUID" on its side, and the initiator of the match on its sites is SSP, then:

  1. Mgid provides an SSP pixel that the SSP should call on its sites. For example:{SSP UUID}, where {SSP UUID} - user ID in SSP. It should not contain special characters. All special characters must be encoded (urlencode)
  2. SSP configures on its sites a pixel call from step 1 with the replacement of {SSP UUID} with the user ID.
  3. Mgid when calling a pixel on SSP sites, generates or reads for the user its cookie and writes to the database a  "SSP UUID" - "Mgid UUID"
  4. To bid requests SSP sends the SSP UUID in the user.buyeruid attribute which Mgid matches with Mgid UUID on its side

DSP - matching initiator and keeper

If Mgid stores the mapping "SSP UUID" - "Mgid UUID" on its side, and initiates the matching on its sites, then:

  1. Mgid provides an SSP pixel to which the SSP should redirect when calling its pixel matching. For example:{SSP UUID}, where {SSP UUID} - user ID in SSP. It should not contain special characters. All special characters must be encoded (urlencode)
  2. SSP provides an Mgid matching pixel that, when called, must redirect to the pixel from step 1 already with the {SSP UUID} replaced with the user ID in the system.
  3. Mgid configures on its sites the pixel call from step 2
  4. Mgid, when a pixel called on its sites, it generates or reads its cookie for the user and writes a mapping to the database "SSP UUID" - "Mgid UUID"
  5. To bid requests SSP sends the SSP UUID in the attribute which Mgid matches with Mgid UUID on its side

Additional information