How to View the Detailed Statistics on Clicks?

To view click statistics, go to the advertising campaign statistics in the "Advertisers" section (Fig. 1). 

Figure 1. Switching to view statistics of an advertising campaign

The statistics of conversions by day will be presented in the opening window (Fig. 2). Using the filter located above the chart, you can select the time period for statistical display. You also have the ability to customize the graphical presentation of data and export statistics in PDF or CSV formats.

To view the detailed statistics for a specific date, click on the "Detailed statistics" button in the "ACTIONS" column.

Figure 2. Viewing the statistics by day and proceeding to view detailed statistics 

You can view the detailed statistics for a certain date by sites, regions, countries and users' operating systems, as well as ads (products) (Fig. 3).

Stats on click

Figure 3. Detailed statistics on the clicks within an advertising campaign for the chosen date with the details by ads (products)