How to Add MGID Ads.txt Lines to a WordPress Website

Obtain the MGID Ads.txt Lines

Install Ads.txt Manager Plugin

Add MGID Ads.txt Lines

Verify Ads.txt File

Obtain the MGID Ads.txt Lines

There are a few options to get the Ads.txt lines:

  • Generate it via the MGID dashboard
  • Ask your Success Manager for assistance
  • Request it via email communication with MGID

Install Ads.txt Manager Plugin

To add MGID Ads.txt lines to your WordPress website, we recommend using a free plugin that simplifies the process. Follow these steps to complete the setup in just a few minutes.

  1. Navigate and log in to your WordPress website.
  2. Find the Plugins section and click Add New.
  3. Type “Ads.txt” in the “Search Plugins” field to search the Ads.txt Manager plugin with a green icon.
  4. Download and Install the plugin.


5.  Activate the plugin once it has been installed.

Add MGID Ads.txt Lines

  1. In the WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Settings section, find and click the Ads.txt. tab.


2. Copy and paste the provided Ads.txt lines into the text field in the Ads.txt settings tab.


3. Click Save Changes.

Verify Ads.txt File

The Ads.txt lines you added will appear under the URL:

If you encounter a warning stating “Existing Ads.txt file found,” follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  • Identify any plugins used for ads integration (e.g., Ad Inserter).
  • Navigate to the plugin settings.
  • Locate the Ads.txt option within the plugin settings.
  • Paste the MGID Ads.txt lines there.

By following these instructions, you should be able to add MGID Ads.txt lines to your WordPress website successfully. If you have any further questions or issues, please refer to the MGID manager.