Creating A Push Ad Campaign in MGID Ads

This detailed guide shows how to create a push campaign in the MGID Ads system.

Push Ad Introduction

Creating A Push Ad Campaign

Budget and Limits

Conversion Tracking

Push Ad Introduction

There is a request that pops up on a variety of websites, asking if a visitor wants that site to send messages in the future. If it is allowed, the visitor will be sent small updates and messages on a computer or cell phone, which show up similar to an app alert or system notification.


Is it a good idea to use push notifications?

Here’s an overview:

  • they can be accessed on all devices
  • subscribers have full control over what types of notifications they want to receive and to which devices they get such notifications 
  • web push notifications offer a fantastic way to alert subscribers and customers about the latest deals and sales
  • you can effectively give your site a real traffic boost almost instantaneously
  • push notifications in the mobile app world are reported to have higher response rates
  • real-time alerts get people to take action more effectively than any other form of communication

Creating A Push Ad Campaign

General Settings

Begin campaign setup by following these steps:


  • Select Campaign type “Push notification.”
  • Enter the Campaign name.
  • Enter the advertiser name in the appropriate field. Make sure you’ve only used letters, numbers and spaces.

You won't be able to change the advertiser name after your campaign goes live. 


Campaign Targeting

For campaign targeting, follow these steps:

  • Scroll down to the Campaign Targeting section and fill out the section according to your desired campaign targeting.
  • Under the “Geo” tab, select the countries you would like to target from the dropdown list. Define specific locations by including or excluding regions and cities. You’ll target the whole country if no specific regions or cities are selected. If no location is selected, your ads will target global audiences, which may influence the ad’s statistics.


  • Set up targeting by Platform, OS and connection type. 


  • Select browsers, browser search language and phone price ranges from the drop-down lists.

Audience Targeting

Target specific groups of people in the Audience targeting section by including or excluding audiences, demographics and interests. By selecting all three (audience, demographics, and interests), you’ll significantly narrow down your campaign reach.

Remember to create an Audience in the section of the MGID dashboard prior to campaign configuration. Once an Audience is created, you can select it from the dropdown list while configuring your campaign. Otherwise, the dropdown list for Audience will be empty.


Once you have completed the Campaign setup section, click Continue to navigate to the Budget and Limits section.


Budget and Limits

You can set up daily and overall campaign limits as:

  • Unlimited: - Your campaign doesn’t have any limits in budget or clicks. It will run and get all available traffic until you stop it or until its end date.
  • By budget: - Your campaign stops running after it reaches the budget limit you set. The minimum overall or daily budget limit is $50.
  • By clicks: - Your campaign stops running after it reaches the clicks limit you set.

Bid Amount: All ads under the campaign will inherit a CPC — you can set a different CPC for a specific ad later if required. 



To indicate how you want to run your ads, scroll down the page and navigate to the Schedule field.

There you can set to run new ads automatically or manually after approval. In addition, you can select specific dates, days and hours to run your campaign.


Once you have completed the Budget and Limits section, click Continue to navigate to the Conversion tracking section.


Conversion Tracking

For Conversion Tracking setup, follow these steps:

  • Select one of the available tracking options: MGID Pixel, MGID Pixel via GTM or postback.

We recommend the MGID Pixel option, so the platform will learn faster. 

Postback (S2S) is also a good option for sending conversion statistics to the MGID platform. However, whatever option you implement, make sure that accurate conversion statistics are displayed in the dashboard.


  • Create (or add) up to 3 conversion goals.

You can set up the main goal (e.g., conversion or lead) and 2 additional goals (e.g., add to cart or sign up for an email) from your funnel.


  • Add Tracking Tags.

You can add any additional dynamic parameter from the available macros.


  • Click Publish in order to save the campaign. 

As a final step, add Ads to your Push campaign