ClickFlare Tracker Integration in MGID Ads

MGID Ads Dashboard Settings

Start by creating an event and Postback URL in the MGID dashboard.

Follow these steps:

1. Create a new advertising campaign or edit an existing one by clicking on its respective icon in the dashboard.

1. ClickFlare

2. Navigate to the Conversion tracking section and select the Postback option in the Tracking settings tab.

2. ClickFlare

3. Add a new conversion goal and create a unique name for it. We recommend adding the client’s ID to the goal name (e.g., test_even_123456). You can also select an existing goal.

We recommend creating a unique name; however, you can choose any name.

3. ClickFlare

4. Add the ClickFlare parameter to the MGID click_id under the Tracking Tags section.

4. ClickFlare

5.  Click Get Postback URL and then copy the URL. Save the link on your device, as you will need it later.

5. ClickFlare

6. ClickFlare

You will need to enter the Postback URL on the ClickFlare side. Follow the steps below. 

ClickFlare Dashboard Settings

The next step will be creating a traffic source on the  ClickFlare side. 

  1. Log in to the ClickFlare account to create a new traffic source or choose an existing one from the list of traffic sources.
  2. Click Traffic Sources and then click New.

7. ClickFlare

3.  We recommend selecting the default MGID traffic source template. Type “mgid” in the search field and select the MGID template.

8. ClickFlare

4. Fill in the Workspace, Name (MGID), and Cost currency fields. 

9. ClickFlare

5. Paste the MGID postback URL that was generated in the MGID Ads Dashboard. 

Change the {click_id} and {revenue} macros to the ones ClickFlare uses: {external_id} and {payout}.

10. ClickFlare


Here is an example of the current link:{click_id}&e=clickflare843200&r={revenue}    


You have to change the link according to the following template:{external_id}&e=clickflare843200&r={payout

6. Save the traffic source with the relevant settings.

11. ClickFlare

7. To create a campaign in the Destination tab, choose New Flow (1) and click on New Path (2).

12. ClickFlare

8. Click Select Lander and choose the option Create new Lander.

13. ClickFlare

9. Insert the landing page URL, then add the "?" sign after the URL. 

Next, add the click_id macro and parameter as shown below (you can replace the click_id parameter with the parameter name used in your system). 

14. ClickFlare

10. Then, click Select Offer and choose the Create New Offer option.

15. ClickFlare

11. Fill in the fields. If you are not using an affiliate network, enter your website URL and turn on the Append Click ID to Offer Url switcher. Save the settings in the modal window.

16. ClickFlare

12. Save the settings in the side panel.

17. ClickFlare

13. Complete the settings in the Tracking tab and save the campaign.

18. ClickFlare

Next, you must obtain a URL for the future MGID ad creation. 

14. To proceed, navigate to the Campaigns section and click the pencil icon under Actions.

19. ClickFlare

15. Within the Tracking tab, copy the Campaign Tracking URL.

20. ClickFlare

16. Proceed to the MGID Ads Dashboard and click the Campaign name.

21. ClickFlare

17. Click the Create ads button.

22. ClickFlare

18. Insert the ad URL in the Content URL field and save.

23. ClickFlare

This instruction is for setting up postback between ClickFlare and MGID. To send a postback to ClickFlare, use the link from the Tracking tab.

24. ClickFlare