Tracker Integration in MGID Ads

The MGID Ads Dashboard Settings

Binom Dashboard Settings

The instruction below covers tracker integration. If you want to check the partner’s documentation, please follow this link here.

The MGID Ads Dashboard Settings

Start with creating events and Postback URL’s in the MGID dashboard.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new advertising campaign or edit an existing one by clicking on its respective icon in the dashboard.


2. Navigate to the Conversion tracking section and select the Postback option in the Tracking settings tab.

3. Add a new conversion goal and create a unique name for the goal. We recommend adding the client’s ID to the goal name (e.g., test_even_123456). In addition, you can select an existing goal.

Binom accepts only 3 types of conversion goal’s names: 

  • lead
  • reject
  • sale


Repeat these steps (i.e., add another goal) if you want to track more than one conversion goal.


4. Click Get Postback URL and then copy the URL. Save the link on your device, as you will need it later.



5. Add the parameter s2={click_id} to the Tracking Tags section.


It is important that the "s2" you enter in our system corresponds to the same parameter in the Binom tracker. The final offer link will look similar to this:{click_id}

Binom Dashboard Settings

1. Add an affiliate network

Follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the "Aff. Networks" section 
  • Click the Create button on the left side of the page. You can select an affiliate network from the catalog or add it manually
  • Click the Save button.


2. Add a traffic source.

Follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the “Traffic Sources” section 
  • Click the Create button on the left side of the page


  • Click "Load from template” ( if you want to load a traffic source from a template or enter the name manually. In our case, the source name is MGID).
  • Add the Postback URL you configured on MGID Dashboard earlier with some edits:{externalid}&e=lead123456&r={payout} 


➡️ client_ID is a unique parameter for our system that will be transferred to our system alongside the event's status. 
➡️  c - click ID’s macro, for Binom, replace the {click_id} with the {externalid} macro.
➡️ e=lead123456 -  a Postback goal identifier that can be displayed in the form of a {cnv_status} macro or status name.
➡️ r -  is an optional parameter to which conversion revenue can be transferred. For Binom, replace the {revenue} with the {payout} macro.
  • Tick the “Use tokens” box if you use tokens. They are needed to transfer the information from the source to the tracker. Add the required tokens and click the Save button to save the source.


3. Adding an offer 

Follow these steps:

  • Copy the offer URL from the affiliate network
  • Navigate to the "Offers" section
  • Click the Create button
  • Fill in the name of the offer
  • Paste the offer URL, and add the {clickid} token after the &s2 = parameter. As a result, the link will resemble the following:{clickid}.
  • Select the country, group, and affiliate network
  • Also, you can insert the Postback URL from the affiliate network 
  • Set the conversion cost for the offer. You can use the Auto option to automatically transfer the cost to the Postback URL. Read more about this feature in this article.
  • Click the Save button.


4. Adding a landing page

Follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the “Landing Pages” section
  • Click the Create button


  • Enter the landing page name 
  • Enter the landing page URL
  • Select a group for the landing page, or add a new one using the “Add new” option. It is convenient to group by vertical or traffic type.
  • Select the language of the landing page text from the list.
  • Enter the number of offers on the landing page( if there is more than 1); otherwise, you can leave this field blank. As a rule, an offer is used on a landing page.
  • Click on the “Save” button.

If you want to protect your landing page from direct visits, then place this code at the beginning of the landing page code.


5. Creating a campaign

Follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the “Campaigns” section
  • Click the Create button


Enter the campaign name, a group for your landing page, traffic source and set your CPC.

Don't be afraid to make a mistake! You always have the option to adjust the clicks retroactively using the Update costs function.

Decide whether you will use a landing page, or drive traffic without it, sending the audience directly to the offer. 

If you want to use a landing page, click “Landing page” and a new window will appear. You can easily find your landing page using the search and groups feature. After clicking on it, it will appear on the campaign edit page.

Then, click on the “Offer” option. Similar to choosing a landing page, a window will appear. Click on your offer, and it will be added to the page.


  • Click  “Save” to save the campaign. 

A link in the "Campaign URL" field will be used to run the purchased traffic. 

In our example, it looks like this link:ххх={хххх}&yyy={yyy}&...

You can find information about each of your conversions (lead) in the "Conversions" section in the Binom tracker.


In this section, you can add conversions manually to the tracker. 

  • Click on the “Update conversions” button and download the conversion report using the “.csv” button.


By using a "clickid" search, you can find the information on a specific conversion. 

Filters are available by offers, country and campaign. 

You can set any time frame for the report.
