AppsFlyer App Tracker Integration

Getting started

AppsFlyer Dashboard Settings

Create In-App Events In AppsFlyer (optional)

MGID Dashboard Settings


Getting started

    1. To initiate the integration between AppsFlyer and MGID, the first step is to integrate your application with the AppsFlyer platform.

    To do this, follow the instructions how to Add an app to AppsFlyer

    2. To integrate AppsFlyer with the application, you need to obtain the App ID and SDK. 

    Pay attention!

    An AppsFlyer ID is automatically created for every new app installed. No action is required by the marketer. 

     For information about the SDK, refer to SDK integration planning.


    AppsFlyer Dashboard Settings

    Enable the MGID Integrated Partner in AppsFlyer:

    1. Log into the AppsFlyer dashboard.
    2. Click on My Apps (top, right). 
    3. Start typing the relevant App ID and click on the thumbnail to open the App.


    4. Select Active Integrations under the Configuration.

    5. Start typing “MGID” and click on the thumbnail to open the MGID Partner. 

    6. Under MGID Integration, toggle Activate Partner to ON.


    7. Locate the Click-Through Attribution section under the Attribution Link tab and set the Click-Through Lookback Window to the desired duration:


    Create In-App Events In AppsFlyer (optional)

    The previous section allows you to track Install Events. This section describes how to track In-App Events

    1. Navigate to Integrated Partners > MGID.
    2. Enable In-App Events Postback under the Integration tab.
    3. Select 'This partner only' under the Sending Option.


    4. For each in-app event (SDK Event Name), fill in an MGID version of the event name (Partner Event Identifier):


    • Event names are case-sensitive. 
    • They cannot contain spaces and other special symbols. The name can be ONLY a combination of A-Z letters and numbers.
    • Use similar names to the SDK Event Names shown in the AppsFlyer dashboard. 
    • Identical names will be used later when creating in-app events in MGID (below)

    5. Copy the Click Attribution Link created for MGID. 


    Please don't edit the Click ID portion - it should look exactly as listed.

    The PID portion tells AppsFlyer to attribute the conversion to MGID.

    MGID Dashboard Settings

    Start with creating events in the MGID dashboard. Follow these steps:

    1. Create a new or edit an existing advertising campaign in the dashboard.


    2. Navigate to the Conversion tracking section and select the Postback option in the Tracking settings tab.

    3. Add a new conversion goal named “lead”. In addition, you can select an existing goal as well.

    For the AppsFlyer system for the Install event, you MUST use “lead” (case-sensitive).


    Repeat these steps (Add another goal) if you want to track post-install events.


    Event Name: Use the same name that you provided in AppsFlyer, exactly as it appears there. Event names are case-sensitive.

    Appsflyer will generate a postback to MGID automatically after an event in the app is triggered.

    4. Click the campaign name and go to the Ads tab.


    5. Click the Create Ads button and fill in the AppsFlyer Link obtained above as the ad URL, and save.