* Please note that all API requests must be performed via HTTPS.
Table of contents
- Working with client's advertising campaigns
- Getting a collection of client's advertising campaigns
- Getting advertising campaign statistics by site
- Getting advertising campaign statistics by source
- Advertising campaigns detailed daily statistics
- Advertising campaigns daily statistics
- Advertising campaigns daily statistics for video campaigns
- Creating a new ad campaign (with all settings)
- Creating a new ad campaign
- UTM markup settings for ad campaign
- Setting limits on advertising campaign
- Block / unblock advertising campaign
- Getting creation date of ad campaign
- Setting the coefficient of a selective auction of an advertising campaign
- Setting the coefficient of a selective auction to all sub-sources
- Retrieving conversion targets for a client
- Retrieving conversion settings for an advertising campaign
- Creating conversion targets for an advertising campaign
- Editing conversion settings for an advertising campaign
- Delete conversion target
- Removing campaign to trash
- Advertising campaigns targeting settings
- Setting up the geo targeting of advertising campaigns
- Getting a list of available countries for setting up geo targeting
- Getting a list of available regions (cities) for geo targeting settings
- Editing geo targeting settings for advertising campaign
- Editing advertising campaign browser targeting
- Editing advertising campaign IP targeting
- Editing advertising campaign operating system targeting
- Getting advertising campaign operating system targeting settings
- Editing the filter settings on the sites for advertising campaign by UID/source
- Editing browser language targeting
- Getting browser language targeting settings
- Getting browser targeting settings
- Editing phone price range targeting
- Getting phone price range targeting
- Working with client's teasers
The main provisions of REST API
REST API allows you to integrate external applications with Mgid online
advertising system.
API provides the ability to retrieve, add, and modify the data. Practically each object in Mgid (whether it's a client, an advertising company, a teaser, etc.) can be controlled by API. Mgid REST API Request is an HTTP request, which, with the help of the ways in URL the object to perform the action is specified, and with the help of parameters the necessary data is passed. Mgid API is a "RESTful Web API". The API uses the following REST commands:
The query parameters are case sensitive.
These commands correspond to certain actions within the Mgid system. Get an item or a collection of items (for example, a list of advertising campaigns):
Command | Action | Description |
POST | Create | Creates a new element (eg, a teaser) |
GET | Get (read) | Retrieve an element or a collection of elements |
PUT | Update | Recreate an existing element or a collection of elements |
PATCH | Change | Change certain properties of an element |
DELETE | Delete | Delete an item or collection of items (eg, move a teaser to recycle bin) |
Important! POST and PUT are not interchangeable. Each of the commands fulfills its specific function. |
Mgid REST API for clients is available at:
In general, the query looks like this:
For identification the Mgid REST API uses a unique token consisting of 32 characters which is passed in client’s request Authorization header. To obtain a valid token client should use a special API function.
Every request sent to the Mgid REST API must contain the API token |
Mgid REST API answer
In response to a request to the REST API server always returns the HTTP response with a status code , depending on the result of the query.
Answer code | Description |
200 OK | The query has been successfully processed |
The format of the returned data
The returned data can be formatted as JSON, or XML. The default format is JSON. The request header is used to specify the format in which the data is
returned. The client sends an Accept header, which indicates desired response format:
Accept: application / xml
Accept: application / json
Description of the response format is sent in the response header Content Type. The data returned is the answer is a JSON string, which generally looks as follows:
. . . .
If an error has occurred during the execution of the query the description corresponding to the error is returned, such as:
{ "errors": [ "[_error_description_]" ] }
The data in the responses is returned taking into account the time zone of the client.
Working with clients
Getting information about the current financial status of the client
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/clients/_identifier_of_client's_account_ |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Returned answer:
All refunds are made in cents (0.01$) balance can have both positive and negative value. Available funds are defined as: balance + credit. Funds spent on advertising: income balance.
Getting a collection of client's source filters
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/clients/_identifier_of_client's_account_/sources-blocklist |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Request example:
api.mgid.com/v1/clients/{client id}/sources-blocklist
Returned answer:
"id": _client_id_,
"sourceFilters": {
"filterType": "blocklist",
"sources": [
"Homepage Lifestyle",
"Homepage News",
"sourcesIds": [
Filter type - blocklist, off (off - no data)
Setting filters on an account level
Affects all client's campaigns using sources optimization
Method | PATCH |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/clients/_identifier_of_client's_account_/?sourceFilters=editing_method, filter_type, sourceId1, source2 |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters (required parameters are marked with asterisk *):
Parameter | Values |
sourceFilters* |
Only for campaigns with sources optimization enabled Can be passed source ID SourceId1, SourceId2, etc. or source name, such as source, source1, etc. editing_method, filter_type, sourceId1, source2... |
Request example:
api.mgid.com/v1/clients/{client id}?sourceFilters=include,blocklist,domain1.com,domain2.com
Editing methods:
- include — enables the source.
- exclude — disables the source.
Filter types:
- blocklist — applies a blocklist to the sources.
- off — turns off the filter for the sources.
Returned answer:
Error - nonexistent source IDs or names or invalid sources (e.g., non-integer or incorrect format):
Error - sources are not passed:
Error - invalid filter method (include | exclude) or missing parameters:
Error - invalid filter type or missing parameters:
Working with client's advertising campaigns
Getting a collection of client's advertising campaigns
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_client's_accont_ID_ / campaigns[_ad_campaign_ID_] |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
If _ad_campaign_ID_ was not passed, then the method returns a collection of client's advertising campaigns. If the ID has been passed correctly, it returns information only about specific ad campaign.
Transferred parameters (required parameters are marked with asterisk *):
Parameter | Value |
Fields |
limit | turns on the pagination, limiting the number of campaigns displayed on the page. |
start | uses for navigation for pagination pages. The default is 0. |
Languages list:
1 | English | en |
2 | Spanish | es |
3 | French | fr |
4 | German | de |
5 | Vietnamese | vi |
6 | Dutch | nl |
7 | Italian | it |
8 | Portuguese | pt |
9 | Indonesian | id |
10 | Greek | el |
11 | Thai | th |
12 | Hindi | hi |
13 | Khmer | km |
14 | Swedish | sv |
15 | Hungarian | hu |
16 | Malay | ms |
17 | Romanian | ro |
18 | Norwegian | nb |
19 | Croatian | hr |
20 | Polish | pl |
21 | Finnish | fi |
22 | Danish | da |
23 | Filipino | fil |
24 | Czech | cs |
25 | Korean | ko |
26 | Bosnian | bs |
27 | Slovak | sk |
28 | Japanese | ja |
29 | Bulgarian | bg |
30 | Slovene | sl |
31 | Macedonian | mk |
32 | Turkish | tr |
33 | Estonian | et |
34 | Armenian | hy |
35 | Serbian | sr |
36 | Lithuanian | lt |
37 | Azerbaijani | az |
38 | Latvian | lv |
39 | Russian | ru |
40 | Urdu | ur |
41 | Arabic | ar |
42 | Hebrew | he |
43 | Chinese | zh |
44 | Georgian | ka |
45 | Nepali | ne |
46 | Albanian | sq |
47 | Bengali | bn |
48 | Sinhalese | si |
49 | Uzbek | uz |
50 | Ukrainian | uk |
51 | Tamil | ta |
52 | Telugu | te |
53 | Persian | fa |
54 | Somali | so |
55 | Tajik | tg |
56 | Kyrgyz | ky |
57 | Lao | lo |
58 | Gujarati | gu |
59 | Marathi | mr |
60 | Malayalam | ml |
61 | Kannada | kn |
62 | Burmese | my |
63 | Kazakh | kk |
64 | Turkmen | tk |
65 | Afrikaans | af |
66 | Punjabi | pa |
67 | Belarusian | be |
68 | Swahili | sw |
69 | Mongolian | mn |
70 | Amharic | am |
72 | Catalan | ca |
96 | Tagalog | tl |
104 | Odia | or |
Answer returned:
. . . . . . .
. . . . . .
" _widget_id_1":"[_widget_subid_1]",
" _widget_id_2":"[_widget_subid_2]",
" _widget_id_3":"[ _widget_subid_3]",
"sourceFilters": {
"filterType": "blocklist",
"sources": [
"sourcesIds": [
Possible errors in this section:
[ERROR_TOO_MANY_CAMPAIGNS_USE_PARAMS_LIMIT_AND_START] - if the user has more than 500 campaigns and the optional limit parameter is not specified
[ERROR_MAX_LIMIT_PER_PAGE_500] - if the additional parameter limit is specified and it is more than 500
Status property indicates current campaign state and status.
Description of status value returned:
id |
Description |
1 |
Campaign is blocked due to end date |
2 |
Campaign has reached total budget limit |
3 |
Campaign has reached total clicks limit |
4 |
Campaign is blocked by manager of client |
5 |
Campaign is blocked due to negative balance |
6 |
Campaign is unlimited and active |
7 |
Campaign hasn't reached its daily limit |
8 |
Yesterday campaign has reached its daily clicks or budget limit and is active |
9 |
Campaign has reached its daily budget limit |
10 |
Campaign has reached its daily clicks limit |
11 |
Campaign is paused due to time schedule settings |
12 |
Campaign stopped because the client delayed |
13 | Campaign stopped by manager |
14 | Campaign deleted |
15 | Campaign stopped because the client rejected |
19 | Campaign stopped due to violation of the creativity rules |
IpsFilter property displays the IP filter settings of an advertising campaign (teasers of this campaign should not be shown to visitors with this IP). _IP_filter_type_ can take the following values:
● off - the filter is disabled
● except - "except" filter
● ips - a list of IP address ranges for filtering as an array. _spent_by_the_client_for_today_ in $
Getting advertising campaign statistics by site
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/_ad_campaign_ID_/quality-analysis/_uid_ |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transfered parameters (required parameters marked with asterisk *):
Parameters | Values |
campaignId* | _ad_campaign_ID_ |
dateInterval |
Period for which you need to get statistics. If interval is not specified, returns statistics for 90 days. Valid values are:
uid | _uid_. If specified, displays information only for this site. |
browser | Filters data by browser. 1 value to a parameter can be passed. Browsers values list |
os | Filters data by OS. 1 value to a parameter can be passed. OS codes list |
country | Filters data by country. 1 value to a parameter can be passed. Countries codes list |
Request example:
Answer returned:
"qualityFactor": "_quality_factor_",
"sources": {
"17": {
"qualityFactor": "_quality_factor_",
"0": {
"qualityFactor": "_quality_factor_",
If there are some errors:
[WIDGETS_WITH_THESE_IDS_DO_NOT_EXIST] - widgets with given uid do not exist, if there are valid uid in the list - they will be written to the database
[ERROR_INVALID_OS_TARGETING] - invalid os value has been specified
[ERROR_INVALID_BROWSER_TARGETING] - invalid browser value has been specified
[ERROR_INVALID_COUNTRY_TARGETING] - invalid country value has been specified
Getting advertising campaign statistics by source
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/_ad_campaign_ID_/quality-analysis-sources/ |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transfered parameters (required parameters marked with asterisk *):
Parameters | Values |
campaignId* | _ad_campaign_ID_ |
dateInterval |
Period for which you need to get statistics. If an interval is not specified, returns statistics for 90 days. Valid values are:
source | The source parameter can be specified by the ID or name of the source |
Request example:
Answer returned:
"_campaign_ID_": {
"2024-11-16_2024-11-16": {
"20001": {
"sourceName": "domain.com",
"sourceId": 100001,
"clicks": 0,
"adRequests": 0,
"impressions": 0,
"viewability": 0,
"spent": 0,
"dataFee": 0,
"cpcWithoutDataFee": 0.573333,
"ctr": 0,
"cpc": 0.573333,
"cpm": 0,
"conversionsRateInterest": 0,
"conversionsRateDecision": 0,
"conversionsRateBuy": 0,
"conversionsCostInterest": 0,
"conversionsCostDecision": 0,
"conversionsCostBuy": 0,
"revenue": 0,
"profit": 0,
"roas": 0,
"epc": 0,
"vCpm": 0,
"vCtr": 0,
"etr": 0,
"winRate": 96.22,
"conversionsInterest": 0,
"conversionsDecision": 0,
"conversionsBuy": 0,
"toggle": true,
"canChangeToggle": true,
"qualityFactor": 1.3,
"qualityFactorUpdatedAt": "01.11.2024 01:56:01",
"previousQualityFactor": 0.11,
"isBlocked": false
If an ID that does not belong to a sources optimization campaign, return the error:
If a nonexistent source ID or name is provided, or if the parameter is empty, return the error:
If an invalid parameter is provided, return the error:
Advertising campaigns detailed daily statistics
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/_adcampaign_id_/statistics |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters (required parameters are marked with asterisk *):
Parameters | Value |
type* | Statistics type. Values: byClicksDetailed |
date* | Format date: YYYY-MM-DD |
Returned values:
If the request is correctly, it returns an array of data in the next format:
"numberOfAcceptedClicks":_ enrollment_clicks _,
"fundsEarned":_spent_clicks _,
Advertising campaigns daily statistics
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/{clientId}/campaigns-stat |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters:
Parameter | Value |
dateInterval |
Period for which you need to get statistics. If interval is not specified, returns statistics for 90 days. Valid values are:
If the customer has conversion settings - additional data transferred:
- buy - quantity of buying conversions
- buyCost - cost of buying
- decision - quantity of decision conversions
- decisionCost - cost of decision
- interest - quantity of interest conversions
- interestCost - cost of interest
- convertionCost - conversions profit
- revenue - revenue
- epc - earn per click
- profit - revenue - spent
If there are some errors:
[THERE_NO_DATA_IN_CHOSEN_PERIOD] - if there is no data in chosen period
[INVALID_VALUE_FOR_INTERVAL] - invalid value for interval
Advertising campaigns daily statistics for video campaigns
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/{clientId}/campaigns-video-stat |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters:
Parameter | Value |
dateInterval |
Period for which you need to get statistics. If interval is not specified, returns statistics for 90 days. Valid values are:
If there are some errors:
[THERE_NO_DATA_IN_CHOSEN_PERIOD] - if there is no data in chosen period
[INVALID_VALUE_FOR_INTERVAL] - invalid value for interval
Creating a new ad campaign (with all settings)
Method | POST |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_client_ID_/campaigns |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters (* - required; ** - required, if parent parameter transferred):
Section 1
Parameters | Value |
name* | Campaign name. Must be unique for the client. 128 symbols max. |
enabledGeoTargetingFlag* | Flag on/off GeoTargeting |
keyword | Keyword.Required parameter for search_feed campaigns type |
geoTargets** |
List of countries and cities (regions) for targeting. Example: {'method':'set','cities':['2'],'countries':['ua']} If both cities and countries are filled, the priority will be given to the 'countries' parameter. |
startDate | Campaign start date YYYY-MM-DD |
language | ad campaign language_code |
languageTargets | Filter by language_code of an ad campaign in include mode. IDs of languages separated by a comma. |
campaignType | product/content/push/search_feed. If campaign_type didn't transfer campaign_type = product |
advertiserName | Advertiser name. Field length 1-25 characters |
categoryId | campaign category ID |
sourcesOptimization | If set to "true" enables the "Sources Optimization" feature in the campaign. If the parameter is not provided, the system default value is "false." |
Possible errors for this section:
[NOT_VALID_WHEN_AUTOSTART] - startDate < today's date
If at least one of the utm_source, utm_campaign, utm_medium transferred, then all three are required
Parameters | Value |
utm_source** | 0 9, A Z, a z, -, _, =, +, &, @, /, :, ^,. (up to 200 symbols) |
utm_campaign** |
0 9, A Z, a z, -, _, =, +, &, @, /, :, ^,. (up to 200 symbols) |
utm_medium** |
0 9, A Z, a z, -, _, =, +, &, @, /, :, ^,. (up to 200 symbols) |
utm_custom |
Macroses: {widget_id}, {source}, {source_id}, {teaser_id}, {campaign_id}, {category_id}, {user_id}, {geo}, {geo_region}, {ifa}, {gdpr}, {gdpr_consent}, {click_id}, {click_price}, {client_id}, {title}, {price_range}, {referrer} |
Possible errors for this section:
If limitType parameter transferred, then limit type must be specified (day or total)
Parameters | Value |
limitType |
clicks_limits - limit on clicks, budget_limits - limit on budget |
dailyLimit** |
Setting the limit per day. For clicks_limits must be an integer value. Min 500. If a value is empty - campaign has no limits. For budget_limits The value of 2 characters after the decimal point (up to hundredths). |
overallLimit** |
Setting the limit on the campaign in general. For clicks_limits – must be an integer value and more than a dailyLimit, if specified. If value is empty - campaign has no limits. For budget_limits value with 2 characters after the decimal point (up to hundredths). Must be more than a dailyLimit, if specified. If value is empty - campaign has no limits. |
splitDailyLimitEvenly | Option of evenly daily traffic distribution. 0 - on, 1 - off |
Possible errors for this section:
Section 4
Parameters | Value |
browserTargets | _browser1_, _browser2_, _browser3_ |
osTargets | _os1_,_os2_,_os3_ |
Possible errors for this section:
Answer returned:
Creating a new ad campaign
Method | POST |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_client_ID_/campaigns |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters (required parameters are marked with asterisk *):
Parameters | Values |
name* | Campaign name. Must be unique for the client |
enabledGeoTargetingFlag* | Flag on/off GeoTargeting |
keyword | Keyword.Required parameter for search_feed campaigns type |
geoTargets List of countries and cities (regions) for (parameter is required if targeting: enabledGeoTargetingFlag =1) |
{'method':'set','cities':['2'],'countries':['ua']} If both cities and countries are filled, the priority will be given to the 'countries' parameter. |
language | ad campaign language_code |
languageTargets | Filter by language_code of an ad campaign in include mode. IDs of languages separated by a comma. |
startDate | campaign start date YYYY-MM-DD |
endDate | campaign end date YYYY-MM-DD |
campaignType | product/content/push/search_feed. If parameter didn't send campaign_type = product |
advertiserName | Advertiser name. Field length 1-25 characters |
categoryId | campaign category ID |
sourcesOptimization | If set to "true" enables the "Sources Optimization" feature in the campaign. If the parameter is not provided, the system default value is "false." |
Answer returned:
If there already exists an ad campaign with the name specified in the request, then new campaign will not be created and system return error:
UTM markup settings for ad campaign
Method | PUT |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/_campaign_ID_/utmtracking/ |
Headers | Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters:
Parameters | Value |
utm_source | Standard setting Google Analytics to track traffic source |
utm_campaign | Standard setting Google Analytics to track purchases traffic campaign |
utm_medium | Standard setting Google Analytics to track traffic channel |
utm_custom | Custom markup. Ability to specify custom settings, which will be added to the links campaign teaser |
Values for Google Analytics (utm_source, utm_campaign, utm_medium) must be given a single query. If you are using one of the this parameters, other are required. Error if one of values is empty: [UTM_TAGGING_FIELDS_MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY]
When you specify the default settings Google Analytics also automatically added utm_content and utm_term . In tag utm_content automatically substituded ID ads. utm_term=_site_ID_
Utm_custom , should not exceed 200 characters, or system return error: [UTM_CUSTOM_TOO_LONG_STR]
Valid characters are: 0, 9, A Z, a z, -, _, =, +, &, @, /, :, ^,. . And macros: {widget_id}, {source}, {source_id}, {teaser_id}, {campaign_id}, {category_id}, {user_id}, {geo}, {geo_region}, {ifa}, {gdpr}, {gdpr_consent}, {click_id}, {click_price}, {client_id}, {title}, {price_range}, {referrer}.
Or system return error: [WRONG_UTM_CUSTOM_FORMAT]
You can't use system parameters adclid or adclida - you'll get an error [ERROR_MGCLID_MGCLIDA_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_CANNOT_USE_THEM]
If you pass an empty field markup is disabled. If the settings are saved successfully, system return campaign ID:
Setting limits on advertising campaign
Method | PATCH |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_client_ID_/campaigns/_campaign_ID_ |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters send in the body of the request (required parameters marked with asterisk *):
Parameters | Value |
limitType* |
clicks_limits - clicks limit budget_limits - budget limit |
dailyLimit |
Setting the limit per day. For clicks_limits must be an integer value. Min 500. If a value is empty - campaign have no limits. For budget_limits The value of 2 characters after the decimal point (up to hundredths). |
overallLimit |
Setting the limit on the pampaign in general. For clicks_limits – must be an integer value and more than a dailyLimit, if specified. If value is empty - campaign have no limits. For budget_limits value with 2 characters after the decimal point (up to hundredths). Must be more than a dailyLimit, if specified. If value is empty - campaign have no limits. |
splitDailyLimitEvenly |
Option of evenly daily traffic distribution. 0 - on, 1 - off |
- The minimal daily budget limit depends on the currency and campaign type
- The total limit can not be less than the daily limit
- Step limit - 1 cent
A system returns _campaign_ID_ if all done:
Block / unblock advertising campaign
Method | PATCH |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_client_ID_/campaigns/_campaign_ ID_ |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters send in the body of the request:
Parameters | Value |
whetherToBlockByClient | 0 – unlock ad campaign 1 — lock ad campaign |
Getting creation date of ad campaign
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_client's_accont_ID_/campaigns/_ad_campaign_ID_?fields=['whenAdd'] |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters:
Parameter | Value |
fields | whenAdd |
Answer returned:
Setting the coefficient of a selective auction of an advertising campaign
Method | PATCH |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_clientID_/campaigns/_campaignID_ |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters send in the body of the request (required parameters marked with asterisk *):
Parameters | Values |
qualityFactor* |
Required only for campaigns with sources optimization disabled Contains a widgetUID and a new quality factor on the site. There can be several pairs in json format: {"_widgetUid1_":_qf1_,"_widgetUid2_s_sourceId2_":_qf2_,"_widgetUid3_":_qf3_} |
sourceQualityFactor* |
Required only for campaigns with sources optimization enabled Contains the source name or ID and a new CPC multiplier for each source. There can be several pairs in json format: {"source1": "qf1","source2": "qf2","source3": "qf3"} |
Answer returned:
Possible errors:
- ERROR_QUALITY_FACTOR_INVALID_FORMAT - wrong data format in parameter qualityFactor
- ERROR_WIDGETUID_INVALID_FORMAT - wrong data format in parameter _widgetUid2_or _widgetUid2_s_sourceId2_
- WIDGETS OPTIMIZATION IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR THIS CAMPAIGN. THIS CAMPAIGN IS ALREADY USING SOURCES OPTIMIZATION - when users attempt to modify settings via old routes for campaign using sources optimization
- ERROR_SOURCE_INVALID_FORMAT - wrong data format in parameter sourceName or sourceId
Setting the coefficient of a selective auction to all sub-sources
Method | PATCH |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_clientID_/campaigns/_campaignID_ |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters send in the body of the request (required parameters marked with asterisk *):
Parameters | Values |
widgetQualityFactor* | It contains a widgetUID and a new quality factor. Applies a source value to all its sub-sources. There can be several pairs in json format: {"_widgetUid1_":_qf1_,"_widgetUid2_":_qf2_,"_widgetUid3_":_qf3_} |
Answer returned:
Possible errors:
- ERROR_WIDGET_QUALITY_FACTOR_INVALID_FORMAT - wrong data format in parameter widgetQualityFactor
- ERROR_WIDGETUID_INVALID_FORMAT - wrong data format in parameter _widgetUid2_
- WIDGETS OPTIMIZATION IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR THIS CAMPAIGN. THIS CAMPAIGN IS ALREADY USING SOURCES OPTIMIZATION - when users attempt to modify settings via old routes for campaign using sources optimization
Retrieving conversion targets for a client
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_client_ID_/conversionsTargets |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
"stages": {
"decision": {
"cpa": 3.99,
"unique": true,
"targetType": "url",
"categoryId": 5,
"interest": {
"cpa": 2.34,
"unique": true,
"targetType": "url",
"categoryId": 4,
Retrieving conversion settings for an advertising campaign
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/_campaign_ID_/conversions |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
The response comes with an array of conversion settings for an advertising campaign.
The array can be:
- empty (there are no settings)
- with three elements (all conversion stages with settings)
- from one to three elements (only a part of the stages is configured)
Each element will contain the following information:
- stage - name of the conversion stage
- target_id - The ID of an existing target that is associated with the specified stage.
- type - type of conversion. The options are: 'url', 'event', 'visited', 'regexp' and 'postback'.
- conditions - conversion trigger settings.
- conditions.[i].type - type of trigger condition. The options are 'contain', 'starts', 'ends', 'visited', 'regexp' and 'postback'.
- conditions.[i].value - value of trigger condition.
- price - cost per conversion in the client's currency. Either the price will be a number, or 0 if no price is specified.
"stage": _stage_,
"target_id": _target_id_,
"type": _target_type_,
"conditions": [
"type": _confition_type1_,
"value": _condition_value1_
"type": _confition_type2_,
"value": _condition_value2_
"price": _price_of_conversion_
Response with buy stage:
"stage": "buy",
"target_id": 59041,
"type": "url",
"conditions": [
"type": "contain",
"value": "thankyou.php"
"price": 123.123457
Creating conversion targets for an advertising campaign
Method | POST |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/_campaign_ID_/conversions |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters send in the body:
Parameter | Value |
buy | settings for stage buy |
decision | settings for stage decision |
interest | settings for stage interest |
Each stage has next values:
- cpa: float;
- unique: boolean;
- targetType: url, event, postback;
- categoryId: number;
- ID: 1 (Registration)
- ID: 2 (Lead)
- ID: 3 (Click)
- ID: 4 (Install)
- ID: 5 (Download)
- ID: 6 (Sale)
- ID: 7 (Add To Cart)
- ID: 8 (Deposit)
- ID: 9 (Other)
- condition type: starts, contain, ends;
- condition value: string;
- identifier: string (event name for event targetType)
"stages": {
"decision": {
"cpa": 3.99,
"unique": true,
"targetType": "url",
"categoryId": 5,
"interest": {
"cpa": 2.34,
"unique": true,
"targetType": "url",
"categoryId": 4,
Editing conversion settings for an advertising campaign
Method | PATCH |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/_campaign_ID_/conversions |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters send in the body:
Parameter | Value |
buy | settings for stage buy |
decision | settings for stage decision |
interest | settings for stage interest |
Value format: id: number (target_id); cpa: float; unique: boolean
- _id_ - ID of an existing target (target_id)
- _cpa_ - cpa in the client's currency. Either a number or null
- _unique_ - marks stage as unique. Can be true or false
"stages": {
"buy": {
"id": 2987,
"cpa": 3.99,
"unique": true
"interest": {
"id": 753455,
"cpa": 2.34,
"unique": true
Possible errors:
[ERROR_NOT_VALID_CAMPAIGN_ID] - invalid campaign ID (zero or invalid ID)
[ERROR_CAMPAIGN_DOES_NOT_EXIST] - the campaign with this ID does not exist or belongs to another client
[ERROR_CAMPAIGN_HAS_ANOTHER_CONVERSIONS_DATA_SOURCE] - the campaign has a different source of conversions (GA, YM, or GTM)
[TARGET_ID_EMPTY] - target ID not passed
[CONVERSION_TARGET_UNIQUE_ERROR] - the same goal is used in several stages
[TARGET_ID_INVALID] - non-existent goal or purpose of another client
Delete conversion target
Method | DELETE |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/_campaign_ID_/conversions |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters:
Parameter | Value |
stages | buy, decision, interest |
"stages": ["buy", "interest"]
Removing the campaign to trash
Only stopped ad campaigns can be removed.
Method | DELETE |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_client_ID/campaigns/_ad_campaign_ID_ |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Answer returned:
Possible errors:
[ERROR_CAMPAIGN_DOES_NOT_EXIST] - Invalid campaign id[ERROR_CAMPAIGN_DOES_NOT_EXIST] - Campaign does not belong to the client
[WRONG_CAMPAIGN_ID] - Campaign type video
Advertising campaigns targeting settings
Setting up the geo targeting of advertising campaigns
Getting geotargeting settings ad campaign of client:
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/_campaign_ID_/targetings/geo |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Answer returned:
"targets": {
"code":"_ country_code _",
"id":_ city_ID _,
"normalizedName":"_ Latin_letters_name _"
} ......
"id":_ city_ID _,
"name":"_ name_of_city_",
"normalizedName":"_ Latin_letters_name_"
Section "actual" contains the current geotargeting. Section "request" updated geotargeting settings that will be applied (or in the near future, or from the following day). If geotargeting settings are not used, it returns an answer like:
Getting a list of available countries for setting up geo targeting
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/dictionaries/geo |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters (required parameters marked with asterisk *)::
Parameter | Value |
type* | countries |
Returns an array of countries that can be used for setting geotargeting:
"code":"_ two_letter_country_code _",
Getting a list of available regions (cities) for geo targeting settings
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/dictionaries/geo |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters (required parameters marked with asterisk *)::
Parameters | Value | Comments |
type* | cities | |
countries* | ['_ two_letter_country_code _', ....] | An array of country codes for which you need to get a cities (regions) list. |
Returns an array of regions (cities) that can be used for geo targeting:
"normalizedName":"_ name of city_Latin_Letters _",
"countryCode":"_ two_letter_country_code _"
Editing geo targeting settings for advertising campaign
Method | PUT |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/_campain_ID_/targetings/geo |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters (required parameters marked with asterisk *)::
Parameter | Value |
targets* | The list of countries and cities (regions) for targeting: { 'method':'set', 'cities': [ _city_ID_, . . . . . ], 'countries': [ two_letter_country_code _, . . . . . . ] }If filled cities and countries in the priority will be countries parameter. |
enabledFlag* | Flag on/off geo targeting(1/0) |
If the request is correct, will be returned ID edited ad campaign:
If you do not specify any parameters or configured incorrectly, the changes
settings will not be saved and will return an error message:
Editing advertising campaign browser targeting
Method | PUT |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/_ad_campaign_ID_/targetings/browsers |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters (required parameters marked with asterisk *)::
Parameter | Value |
targets* | _ editing_method_ , _ browser_,_ browser_..... |
enabledFlag* | 0 – target off, 1 — target on |
Possible values for the _editing_method_ :
include- inclusion of a browser in the list for targeting
Possible values for _browser_ :
Name | Value |
Other | others |
Google Chrome | chrome |
Safari | safari |
Opera Mini | operamini |
Opera Mobile | operamobile |
Opera | opera |
Firefox | firefox |
MSIE | msie |
WebView | webview |
Yandex Browser | yandex |
Microsoft Edge | edge |
UC Browser | ucbrowser |
Pinterest App | |
Mobile Samsung Brows | mobilesamsungbrowser |
Google Search App | googlesearchapp |
TopBuzz App | topbuzzapp |
ViVo Browser | vivobrowser |
Phoenix Browser | phoenixbrowser |
Upon successful saving settings system returns campaign ID:
Editing advertising campaign IP targeting
Method | PATCH |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_client_ID_/campaigns/_ad_campain_ID_ |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters send in the body of the request (required parameters marked with asterisk *):
Parameter | Value |
ipsFilter* | _ editing_methods _ , _filter_type_, IP1,IP2.... |
- Editing methods:
- include include an address in the list
- exclude remove an address from the list
- Filter type :
- except
- only
- off – filter off
IP can be specified as single or as subnets (
Upon successful saving settings system returns campaign ID:
Editing advertising campaign operating system targeting
Method | PUT |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/_ad_campaign_ID_/targetings/operatingsystems |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters:
Parameter | Value |
enabledFlag | on/off OS targeting, on=1, off=0 |
targets | _editing_method_,_os_code1_,_os_code2_,_os_code3_ |
Operating systems:
id | name | version | code |
8 | Windows OS | Other | windowsos |
9 | Mac OS | Other | macos |
10 | Other Desktop OS | otherdesctop | |
11 | Android | 2.2 and lower | android22mobile |
12 | Android | 2.3 | android23mobile |
13 | Android | 3.хх | android3mobile |
14 | Android | 4.0 | android40mobile |
15 | Android | 4.1 | android41mobile |
16 | Android | 4.2 | android42mobile |
17 | Android | 4.3 | android43mobile |
18 | Android | 4.4 | android44mobile |
19 | iOS | 4.хх and lower | ios4mobile |
20 | iOS | 5.хх | ios5mobile |
21 | iOS | 6.хх | ios6mobile |
22 | iOS | 7.хх | ios7mobile |
23 | iOS | 8.хх | ios8mobile |
24 | Other Mobile OS | othermobile | |
25 | Android | 2.2 and lower | android22tablet |
26 | Android | 2.3 | android23tablet |
27 | Android | 3.хх | android3tablet |
28 | Android | 4.0 | android40tablet |
29 | Android | 4.1 | android41tablet |
30 | Android | 4.2 | android42tablet |
31 | Android | 4.3 | android43tablet |
32 | Android | 4.4 | android44tablet |
33 | iOS | 4.хх and lower | ios4tablet |
34 | iOS | 5.хх | ios5tablet |
35 | iOS | 6.хх | ios6tablet |
36 | iOS | 7.хх | ios7tablet |
37 | iOS | 8.хх | ios8tablet |
38 | Other Tablet OS | othertablet | |
39 | Android | 5.xx | android50mobile |
40 | Android | 5.xx | android50tablet |
41 | iOS | 9.хх | ios9tablet |
42 | iOS | 9.хх | ios9mobile |
43 | Android | 6.xx | android60mobile |
44 | Android | 6.xx | android60tablet |
45 | iOS | 10.хх | ios10mobile |
46 | iOS | 10.хх | ios70tablet |
47 | Android | 7.xx | android70tablet |
48 | Android | 7.xx | android70mobile |
50 | iOS | 11.xx | ios11mobile |
51 | iOS | 11.xx | ios11tablet |
53 | Android | 8.xx | android80mobile |
54 | Android | 8.xx | android80tablet |
55 | Android | 9.xx | android90mobile |
56 | Android | 9.xx | android90tablet |
57 | iOS | 12.xx | ios12mobile |
58 | iOS | 12.xx | ios12tablet |
59 | Android | 10.хх | android10mobile |
60 | Android | 10.хх | android10tablet |
61 | iOS | 13.хх | ios13mobile |
62 | iOS | 13.хх | ios13tablet |
63 | Windows OS | 10 | windowsos10 |
64 | Windows OS | 8.1 | windowsos81 |
65 | Windows OS | 8 | windowsos8 |
66 | Windows OS | 7 | windowsos7 |
67 | Windows OS | Vista | windowsosvista |
68 | Windows OS | XP | windowsosxp |
69 | Mac OS | 10.12 Sierra | macos1012 |
70 | Mac OS | 10.13 High Sierra | macos1013 |
71 | Mac OS | 10.14 Mojave | macos1014 |
72 | Mac OS | 10.15 Catalina | macos1015 |
73 | Other Smart TV | othersmarttv | |
74 | Android | androidsmarttv | |
75 | Fire OS (Amazon) | fireossmarttv | |
76 | tvOS (Apple TV) | tvossmarttv | |
77 | Tizen | tizenossmarttv | |
78 | webOS | webossmarttv | |
79 | Android | 11.xx | android11mobile |
80 | Android | 11.xx | android11tablet |
81 | iOS | 14.хх | ios14mobile |
82 | iOS | 14.хх | ios14tablet |
83 | Mac OS | 11 Big Sur | macos110 |
84 | Roku OS | rocuossmarttv | |
85 | Android | 12.хх | android12mobile |
86 | Android | 12.хх | android12tablet |
87 | Mac OS | 12 Monterey | macos120 |
89 | iOS | 15.xx | ios15mobile |
90 | Windows OS | 11 | windowsos11 |
92 | iOS | 16.xx | ios16mobile |
93 | Android | 13.хх | android13mobile |
94 | Android | 13.хх | android13tablet |
95 | iOS | 15.xx | ipados15tablet |
96 | iOS | 16.xx | ipados16tablet |
97 | Mac OS | 13 Ventura | macos130 |
98 | iOS | 17.xx | ios17mobile |
99 | iOS | 17.xx | ipados17tablet |
100 | Android | 14.xx | android14mobile |
101 | Android | 14.xx | android14tablet |
102 | Mac OS | 14 Sonoma | macos140 |
103 | Android | 15.xx | android15mobile |
104 | Android | 15.xx | android15tablet |
105 | iOS | 18.xx | ios18mobile |
106 | iOS | 18.xx | ipados18tablet |
107 | Mac OS | 15 Sequoia | macos150 |
108 | Android | 16.xx | android16mobile |
109 | Android | 16.xx | android16tablet |
Editing methods :
● include - add OS to the list
● exclude - remove OS from the list
Upon successful saving settings system returns campaign ID:
Getting advertising campaign operating system targeting settings
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/id_campaign/targetings/operatingsystems |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
On success - returns the list of operating systems included:
"targets": [
Possible errors:
Advertising campaign id doesn't exist or the token of the wrong user used:
"errors": [
Empty token:
"errors": "Authentication token is missing"
Editing the filter settings on the sites for advertising campaign by UID/source
Method | PATCH |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_client_ID_/campaigns/_ad_campaign_ID_ |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters send in the body of the request:
Parameter | Value |
widgetsFilterUid |
editing_method, filter_type, uid1,uid2… you can send sub-source parameters in brackets filter_type, uid1(subid subid sibid),uid2… or through "s" filter_type, UID1sSUBID1... Available filter types: only / except / off |
block-widget-priority |
For the edit method include, when it receives a request to add sub_id, it checks whether the source is added to the filter, if added, then the record of the source is ignored. Thus, using this parameter, you can slightly change the query processing logic. |
sourceFilters |
Only for campaigns with sources optimization enabled, can't be mixed with any other parameters in the request Can be passed source ID SourceId1, SourceId2, etc. or source name, such as source, source1, etc. editing_method, filter_type, sourceId1, source2... Available filter types: allowlist / blocklist / off |
Request example:
api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/{client id}/campaigns/{campaign id}?widgetsFilterUid=include, only, {uid id}s{subid id}&block-widget-priority
Editing methods:
- include - include in list
- exclude - exclude from the list
On success - returns the identifier of editable ad campaign
Example response when users attempt to modify settings via old routes for a campaign using sources optimization:
Error - sources are not passed:
Error - nonexistent source IDs or names or invalid sources (e.g., non-integer or incorrect format):
Error - invalid filter type (off | blocklist | allowlist | only | except) or missing parameters:
Error - invalid filter method (include | exclude) or missing parameters:
If both valid and invalid sources are passed, valid ones will be saved to the database, and invalid ones will be returned in the error response:
{"id":_ad_campaign_ID_, "errors":["[SOURCES_DO_NOT_EXIST]"], "data":["1000000","111111","uuuuuu"]}
When a source is blocked at the client level, any attempt to include or exclude it will result in the error:
Error - sites not transferred:
Error - non-existing sites id transferred:
If transferred valid & non-valid IDs ("widgetsFilter": "include, only, ttttts1, 5676301111, 5676672rrr, eeeeee") - valid IDs will be written in the database, for non-valid will be the answer with a list of non-valid IDs:
{"id":_ad_campaign_ID_, "errors":"[WIDGETS_WITH_THESE_IDS_DO_NOT_EXIST]","data":["ttttts1","5676672rrr","eeeeee"]}
When sites are not passed - it's a non-valid situation.
Editing browser language targeting
Method | PUT |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/_ad_campaign_ID/targetings/browserslanguage |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters send in the parameters of the request:
Parameter | Value |
targets* | _ editing_method_ , _ browser_lang_id_,_ browser_lang_id_..... |
enabledFlag* | Enable / disable targeting. 0 – target off, 1 — target on |
Request example:
api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/{campaign id}/targetings/browserslanguage?enabledFlag=1&targets=include,3,7
Editing methods:
- include - include in list
On success - returns the identifier of editable ad campaign:
Possible errors:
[ERROR_CAMPAIGN_DOES_NOT_EXIST] - campaign or owner ids not exists or does not match the authorized one
[ERROR_NO_ENOUGH_PARAMETERS] - one of the parameters was not passed, the value of passed languages ids are incorrect, the value is not "include"
[ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER] - the value is not "include"
Getting browser language targeting settings
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/_ad_campaign_ID/targetings/browserslanguage |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Request example:
api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/{campaign id}/targetings/browserslanguage
On success - returns the list of languages id:
"targets": [
Possible errors:
[ERROR_CAMPAIGN_DOES_NOT_EXIST] - campaign or owner ids not exists or does not match the authorized one
Getting browser targeting settings
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/campaign_id/targetings/browsers |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Request example:
api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/{campaign id}/targetings/browsers
On success - returns the list of browsers values:
"targets": [
Possible errors:
[ERROR_CAMPAIGN_DOES_NOT_EXIST] - campaign or owner ids not exists or does not match the authorized one
Editing phone price range targeting
Method | PUT |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/campaign_id/targetings/phonePriceRange |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters send in the parameters of the request:
Parameter | Value |
targets* | _ editing_method_ , _range_id_1_, _range_id_2_... Phone price ranges list |
enabledFlag* | Enable / disable targeting. 0 – target off, 1 — target on |
Request example:
api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/{campaign id}/targetings/phonePriceRange?enabledFlag=1&targets=include,3,4,5
Editing methods:
- include - ranges you want to include in targeting
- exclude - ranges you don't want to target to
Phone price ranges list:
id | Price range |
1 | Up to 150$ |
2 | From 150$ to 200$ |
3 | From 200$ to 250$ |
4 | From 250$ to 300$ |
5 | From 300$ to 350$ |
6 | From 350$ to 400$ |
7 | From 400$ to 500$ |
8 | From 500$ to 600$ |
9 | From 600$ to 700$ |
10 | From 700$ and more |
On success - returns the identifier of editable ad campaign:
Possible errors:
[ERROR_CAMPAIGN_DOES_NOT_EXIST] - campaign or owner ids not exists or does not match the authorized one
[ERROR_NO_ENOUGH_PARAMETERS] - one of the parameters was not passed, the value of passed phone price range ids are incorrect, the value is not "include" or "exclude"
[ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER] - the value is not "include" or "exclude"
Getting phone price range targeting
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/campaign_id/targetings/phonePriceRange |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Request example:
api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/campaigns/{campaign id}/targetings/phonePriceRange
On success - returns the list of price range ids:
"targets": [
Possible errors:
[ERROR_CAMPAIGN_DOES_NOT_EXIST] - campaign or owner ids not exists or does not match the authorized one
Working with client's teasers
Constants and identifiers in use
Currency code to display the price of the product:
id | combname | name_utf |
1 | rub | руб |
4 | uah | грн |
5 | usd | $ |
6 | eur | € |
9 | byn | руб |
12 | inr | र |
23 | ils | ₪ |
35 | gel | ₾ |
38 | kzt | ₸ |
43 | aed | د.إ |
46 | inr | ₨ |
Teaser status:
Status | Description |
onModeration | Teaser on moderation |
rejected | Teaser is rejected |
active | Teaser is active |
new | New teaser, don't have CTR yet |
goodPerformance | Teaser is in shows |
badPerformance | Teaser have no shows in one or more regions because have low rating. It is necessary to set a higher price per click or replace the teaser on the other, which could provide a higher CTR |
blocked | Blocked teaser |
campaignBlocked | Blocked campaign |
Getting a list of client teasers
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_client_ID_/teasers[/_teaser_ID_] |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
If _teaser_ID_ is not passed, then method returns a list of client teasers. If _teaser_ID_ is passed, then method returns information about current teaser.
Transferred parameters (required parameters are marked with asterisk *):
Parameters | Value |
fields (optional, use if passed _teaser_ID_) |
Array of teaser properties, information about which necessary to obtain(for example: fields=['title','url','statistics']). If the parameter is not passed, then returns all Properties. |
status | Takes values from the table "Teaser statuses"; You can specify several statuses simultaneously (for example: status = ['active', 'onModeration']) to get all teasers with these statuses. |
campaign | Getting a list of client's teasers by campaign ID |
limit | limiting the number of teasers displayed on the page. If doesn't set - shows all teasers. Possible error when using the option limit: ["[ERROR_MAX_LIMIT_PER_PAGE_{max_allowed_limit}]"] |
start | sets the position of the element. Default - 0. For example: at the first request start = 0 limit = 700, the next request will be: start = 700 limit = 700. |
Answer returned:
"advertText":"_advertising text teaser_",
"url":"_ advertising_link_",
"cropLeft":"_cropping_the_image_on_the_left _",
"cropTop":"_cropping_the_image_on_top _",
"goodOldPrice":_ old_product_price _,
"currency":_ currency_ID_to_display_the_price_of_product_,
"id":"_category_ID_", "name":"_category_name_"
"reason_if_drop_karantin": _reason_rejection_ (displayed if teaser a rejected),
"clicks_today": _today_clicks_,
"clicks_yesterday": _yesterday_clicks_,
"hits_today": _today_shows_,
"hits_yesterday": _yesterday_shows_,
"interest_all": _number_of_achievements_interest_stage_ for_all_time_,
"decision_all": _number_of_achievements_decision_stage_ for_all_time_,
"buying_all": _number_of_achievements_buying_stage_ for_all_time_,
"interest_yesterday": _number_of_achievements_interest_stage_ for_yesterday_,
"decision_yesterday": _number_of_achievements_decision_stage_ for_yesterday_,
"buying_yesterday": _number_of_achievements_buying_stage_ for_yesterday_
{ . . . . . . },
. . . . . . . . . }
Teaser detailed daily statistics
Method | GET |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/{authId}/teaser-stat/{teaserId}?dateInterval={interval} |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters (required parameters are marked with asterisk *):
Parameters | Value |
uid | returns teaser statistics for specified widget uid |
dateInterval |
Period for which you need to get statistics. If interval is not specified, returns statistics for 30 days. Valid values are:
Answer returned:
"dateInterval": "2021-01-11 - 2021-01-12",
"timezone": "Asia\/Ho_Chi_Minh",
"currency": "usd",
"status": "active",
"teaser-stat": {
"2021-01-11": {
"date": "2021-01-11",
"clicks": 47,
"shows": 33289,
"ctr": 0.141188,
"spent": 0.157888,
"cpc": 0.335932,
"interest": 0,
"decision": 0,
"buy": 11,
"interestCost": 0,
"decisionCost": 0,
"buyCost": 0.014353
"2021-01-12": {
"date": "2021-01-12",
"clicks": 263,
"shows": 123850,
"ctr": 0.212354,
"spent": 0.389839,
"cpc": 0.148228,
"interest": 0,
"decision": 0,
"buy": 14,
"interestCost": 0,
"decisionCost": 0,
"buyCost": 0.027846
If there are some errors:
[THERE_NO_DATA_IN_CHOSEN_PERIOD] - if there is no data in chosen period
[INVALID_VALUE_FOR_INTERVAL] - invalid value for interval
[TEASER_DOES_NOT_EXIST] - teaser not exists
Creating a new teaser for ad campaign
Method | POST |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_client_ID_/teasers |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transfered parameters (required parameters are marked with asterisk * must be transferred in POST method body)
Parameters | Value |
url* | URL advertising links. It's recommended to use %26 instead of & during parameters transmission |
campaignId* | Campaign ID to which is teaser added |
title* |
Teaser title
advertText |
Advertising text. If this parameter is passed in the request, the validation will be as follows:
The parameter is required if Geo-targeting has been set to Germany |
imageLink* |
Link to teaser image.
categoryId* |
Teaser category ID. This parameter must be passed for Push campaign type only. For Product, Content, and SearchFeed campaign types category will be set automatically |
priceOfClick* | Price per click, cents, with tenths. As a separator between the whole number and the fraction can use a comma or period. |
whetherShowGoodPrice* |
Flag display the price of goods (1/0) If whetherShowGoodPrice = 1 parameters currency, goodPrice, goodOldPrice are required. If whetherShowGoodPrice = 0 then the following parameters will be ignored. |
currency | Currency ID to display the price of the product |
goodPrice | Price of the goods in a specified currency |
goodOldPrice | Old price of the goods. |
Categories list:
id | name | campaign types |
100 | Automotive | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
101 | Books and Literature | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
103 | Events | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
105 | Casinos and Gambling | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
107 | Marriage and Civil Unions | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
108 | Dating | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
109 | Pick up | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
111 | World Cuisines | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
112 | Alcoholic Beverages | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
114 | Nutrition | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
115 | Weight Loss | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
116 | Women's Health | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
117 | Children's Health | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
118 | Fitness and Exercise | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
120 | Alternative Medicine | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
121 | Smoking Cessation | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
122 | Muscle Building | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
123 | Brain Booster | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
126 | Home Security | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
127 | Home Improvement | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
128 | Gardening | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
131 | Sleep Disorders | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
132 | Diabetes | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
133 | Varicosis | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
134 | Bone and Joint Conditions | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
135 | Eye and Vision Conditions | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
136 | Psoriasis | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
137 | Papilloma | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
138 | Skin and Dermatology | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
139 | Medical Services | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
141 | Foot Health | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
143 | Hemorrhoid | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
144 | Prostatitis | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
145 | Sexual Health | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
148 | Stocks and Bonds | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
149 | Options | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
150 | Insurance | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
151 | Personal Debt | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
152 | Financial Assistance | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
153 | Retirement Planning | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
154 | Real Estate | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
156 | For Kids | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
157 | Gifts and Souvenirs | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
159 | Couponing | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
161 | Sporting Goods | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
162 | Fishing Sports | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
165 | Makeup and Accessories | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
166 | Natural and Organic Beauty | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
167 | Skin Care | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
168 | Hair Care | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
169 | Perfume and Fragrance | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
170 | Other Beauty Products | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
172 | Oral Care | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
173 | Shaving | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
176 | Women's Intimates and Sleepwear | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
177 | Women's Outfits | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
179 | Women's Jewelry and Watches | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
180 | Other Women's Accessories | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
181 | Women's Shoes and Footwear | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
184 | Men's Underwear and Sleepwear | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
185 | Men's Outfits | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
187 | Men's Jewelry and Watches | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
188 | Other Men's Accesories | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
189 | Men's Shoes and Footwear | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
190 | Children's Clothing | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
193 | Laptops | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
194 | Desktops | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
195 | Computer Peripherals | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
196 | Computer Software and Applications | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
198 | Smartphones | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
199 | Tablets and E-readers | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
200 | Cameras and Camcorders | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
201 | Wearable Technology | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
202 | Energysavers | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
203 | Self Defense | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
204 | Solar Panels | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
205 | Other Electronics | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
206 | Travel | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
207 | Video Gaming | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
208 | Automotive | content |
209 | Business and Finance | content, push |
211 | Education | content, push |
212 | Events and Attractions | content |
213 | Family and Relationships | content |
219 | Cooking | content |
220 | Alcoholic Beverages | content |
221 | Healthy Living | content |
225 | Hobbies and Interests | content, push |
229 | Home and Garden | content |
230 | Movies | content, push |
232 | News and Politics | content, push |
237 | News Ukraine | content, push |
238 | Pets | content |
239 | Pop Culture | content, push |
241 | Science | content, push |
242 | Sports | content |
243 | Style and Fashion | content |
247 | Technology and Computing | content |
249 | Travel | content |
251 | Pets | product, offer, push, search_feed |
252 | Ear, Nose and Throat Conditions | product, push, search_feed |
254 | Currencies | product, offer, push, search_feed |
258 | Lottery | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
260 | Content Media Format | product, push, search_feed |
261 | Other services | product, push, search_feed |
262 | Charity Funds | product, push, search_feed |
263 | Business Services | product, push, search_feed |
264 | Education | product, push, search_feed |
265 | Legal Services Industry | product, push, search_feed |
266 | Language Learning | product, push, search_feed |
267 | Delivery | product, push, search_feed |
268 | Mobile Services | product, push, search_feed |
270 | Blood Disorders | product, push, search_feed |
271 | Digestive Disorders | product, push, search_feed |
272 | Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases | product, push, search_feed |
278 | Business I.T. | product, push, search_feed |
280 | Infectious Diseases | product, push, search_feed |
281 | Cancer | product, push, search_feed |
282 | Contests and Competitions | product, video, offer, push, search_feed |
Answer returned:
Upon successful creation of the teaser response is returned:
Returns an error name if the attempt to create a teaser was a failure:
{"errors":["[_ error_name_ _]"] }
If a teaser has macros in the teaser title or description for Push campaign:
If a teaser has an irrelevant link format, the system returns an error:
{"errors":["[LS_IMAGE_WRONG_EXTANTION]"]}If the teaser has a size less than the minimum, return an error (where X or Y - an irrelevant size for width or height)
"errors": [
"Minimum expected width for image '' should be '492' but 'X' detected,Minimum expected height for image
'' should be '328' but 'Y' detected"]
The list of possible errors returned in the creation and editing teaser of the campaign:
_ERROR_NAME_ | specification |
ERROR_PARAMETER_WHETHERSHO WGOODPRICE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY | Not passed a required parameter whetherShowGoodPrice |
ERROR_PARAMETER_PRICEOFCLICK_ CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY | Not passed a required parameter priceOfClick |
ERROR_PARAMETER_CATEGORY_CA N_NOT_BE_EMPTY | Not passed a required parameter category |
ERROR_ADVERT_TEXT_TOO_LONG | Advertising text (parameter advertText) exceeds the maximum allowed length (no more than 75 characters) |
ERROR_PARAMETER_TITLE_CAN_NO T_BE_EMPTY | Not Transfered teaser title (required parameter title) |
ERROR_TITLE_TOO_LONG | Title teaser (parameter title) exceeds the maximum allowed length (no more than 65 characters) |
ERROR_PARAMETER_IMAGELINK_CA N_NOT_BE_EMPTY | Not assigned image link for the teaser (required parameter imageLink) |
ERROR_PARAMETER_CAMPAIGNID_CA N NOT_BE_EMPTY | Not transmitted campaign ID that creates teaser (required parameter campaignId) |
ERROR_PARAMETER_URL_CAN_NOT_BE _EMPTY | Not assigned to an advertising link to the teaser (required parameter url) |
[ERROR_PARAMETER_CATEGORY_INCORRECT_FOR_THIS_CAMPAIGN_TYPE] | Improperly selected category for this type of campaign |
[ERROR_PARAMETER_POST_SEND] | You must use method POST in this request |
Editing ad campaign teaser settings
Method | PUT |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_client_ID_/teasers/_teaser_ID_ |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transfered parameters (required parameters are marked with asterisk *):
Parameters | Value |
url* | URL advertising links |
campaignId* | Campaign ID to which is teaser added |
title* |
Teaser title
advertText* |
Advertising text. If this parameter is passed in the request, the validation will be as follows:
If the parameter has not been passed, it will not be changed. |
imageLink* |
Link to teaser image.
category* | |
whetherShowGoodPrice* |
Flag display the price of goods (1/0) If whetherShowGoodPrice = 1 parameters currency, goodPrice, goodOldPrice are required. If whetherShowGoodPrice = 0 then the following parameters will be ignored. |
currency | Currency ID to display the price of the product |
goodPrice | Price of the goods in a specified currency |
goodOldPrice | Old price of the goods. |
If any of the required parameters weren't passed, the system returns an error.
For example, not transmitted campaignId:
If teaser on moderation, the system returns an error:
{"errors":["[ERROR_EDITING_TEASER_ON_MODERATION_NOT_PERMITTED]"]}Cannot use adclid or adclida
If a teaser has an irrelevant link format, the system returns an error:
{"errors":["[LS_IMAGE_WRONG_EXTANTION]"]}If the teaser has a size less than the minimum, return an error (where X or Y - an irrelevant size for width or height)
"errors": [
"Minimum expected width for image '' should be '492' but 'X' detected,Minimum expected height for image
'' should be '328' but 'Y' detected"]
Changing advertising campaign teaser's CPC
Method | PATCH |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_client_ID_/teasers/_teaser_ID_ |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters send in the body of the request:
Parameter | Value |
priceOfClick | Installed CPC in tenth of cents for all geo groups. Can be used a period or comma as a delimiter. |
Answer returned.
If all done correctly, system return an answer:
Some errors:
● if the parameter CPCs not specified or incorrect:
● if the price is not indicated or specified is not a valid value:
● if the price is less than minimum:
{"errors":["The price is not valid"]}
● if the price is higher than maximum:
- if the CPC is not valid
Block / unblock a teaser for advertising campaign
Method | PATCH |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_client_ID_/teasers/_teaser_ID_ |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Transferred parameters send in the body of the request:
Parameters | Value |
whetherToBlockByClient | 1 — block 0 — unblock |
Answer returned.
If the operation is successful, it returns teaser ID:
Removing teaser (move to bin)
Method | DELETE |
URL | api.mgid.com/v1/goodhits/clients/_client_ID_/teasers/_teaser_ID_ |
Headers |
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer {token} |
Answer returned:
If the operation is successful, it returns teaser ID which was moved to bin:
If a teaser with the specified ID does not exist in the system or have already been
moved to the bin, then the message will be returned: