Ads Interface in MGID Ads

Ads Interface Navigation

Select and click a campaign name from the Campaigns page to access the Ads section. The system will open the Ads list of the respective campaign.


➡️ The search bar allows you to perform search actions:

  • Ad ID (you can enter several IDs separated by a comma)
  • Title
  • Description
  • URL 

➡️ The grey boxes on the left-hand side allow to perform mass actions. Select several or all Ads by ticking the boxes. Action in bulk (set CPC, set URL, activate, pause, mass drop). 

➡️ Use the On/Off button to activate (On) or pause (Off) an Ad. As soon as you change this setting the status of your Ad will be changed respectively to Active or Paused.

➡️ The Ad ID is a unique identifier of the ad.

➡️ The status of an ad shows its current state or condition in an advertising campaign (active, rejected, on moderation). The status is not clickable; however, you can click on the reason for rejected or blocked ads.

There are several statuses for Ads:

  • On moderation - this ad is on moderation and will be checked by our editors shortly.
  • Rejected - our moderator rejected this ad.
  • Blocked - the moderator blocks this ad. If the system blocks it, the following message appears: This ad is blocked. It will not receive any impressions until you unblock it.
  • Active - this ad is active and in rotation now.
  • Paused - this ad is blocked. It will not receive any impressions until you unblock it. A client or account manager can block it.

➡️ Media Section 

  • You can copy the URL from this section.
  • Click the ad image to preview how your ad will appear on the website. It opens in a new browser tab.
  • The page can switch desktop / mobile tabs.
  • 4 widgets are displayed on the page following the design (Smart, In-Article - Impact, Under Article, Sidebar).
  • In each widget format, an ad is displayed that leads to the transition to a preview.
  • All the ads are clickable.
  • An ad link with {click id} is substituted when you click in a new browser tab.

➡️ The action option allows to edit or delete an individual ad.

  • Edit - opens a sidebar with a complete creative editing form. The icon is disabled for the "on moderation" status.
  • Delete - a confirmation pop-up action is displayed when you click the icon. When deletion is confirmed, the line with the creative disappears from the interface.

➡️ Safety ranking is assigned based on MGID ad and content policies and the overall design of each ad by a moderator. There are two types: High and Medium.

  • High - Has a High creative safety ranking and meets the standards of the majority of our publishers.
  • Medium - Has Medium creative safety ranking and meets the standards of the majority of our publishers.

➡️ CPC (Cost per one click of the ad) you can edit it for an individual ad.

➡️ The column settings button allows you to select the required metrics to be listed for the Ad (e.g., Safety rankings, Impressions, Viewability, etc.).


➡️ The calendar filter is set up with the last seven days range by default. You can change it to show ads per:

  • Today
  • YesterdayAds_interface_3
  • Last week
  • Current Week
  • Last month
  • Current month
  • All


Click the Create button, and it opens the form for creating Ads.


When creating an ad, a campaign must be selected. If a campaign is not specified, all form fields are blocked/disabled. When you go to the form from the list of ads, the current campaign is immediately marked as selected.

Ads Creation Interface

The Creative (Ad) creation interface consists of three parts:

  1. The Ads list, or miniature variation block -  shows the number of created Ads.
  2. Ad builder - section where you set up Ads.
  3. Preview - allows you to check how an Ad will appear before finalizing it.


The Ads list section

You can create up to 100 creatives at once. The number of creatives in the list is multiplied by the number of campaigns you selected. For example, with two campaigns selected, you can create 50 creatives in one campaign and 50 in the second.

The allowed number of variations/teasers per session is 0/100. The counter is automatically updated when a variation is added/removed. The counter also depends on the number of selected campaigns.


The checkbox allows you to select several miniature ads. You can also delete or clone an existing ad using the buttons on the right-hand side of the image.


Ads creation works on variations. While creating Ads, you can select several (e.g., tree) campaigns, content URLs, and titles. The number of content URLs will be multiplied by titles and the media you upload. For example, the system will generate nine Ads if you have three URLs, three titles, and one media.

Ad builder section

The next part includes the following fields:

  • Campaign name: Will be common to all ads. Choose a campaign name for creatives from the dropdown list.
  • Content URL: Specify the link to your landing page (product on your website) in this field with https://
  • Title: Enter a title that is short, catchy and specific to the product or service. Be creative, interesting and original. Avoid spelling mistakes. Do not use ALL CAPS or multiple exclamation marks.
  • Media: Select exciting and bright pictures. Choose an image that looks clear, even when reduced in size. Try to choose an image that fits your product and works with your advertising title and text. You could experiment with simple photo editor graphics to add a logo or SALE but don’t overburden the advert.
  • Description: Use this field for a detailed description of your product or service. You can specify discounts or special offers, unique benefits of goods and services, giving users another reason to convert clicks and purchases. Please note that the description won't be displayed in some widgets, so your title should make sense and convey the main idea without it.
  • Call to action: Select from the dropdown list. It could help increase conversion sales and facilitate product promotion.

Preview section

The Desktop preview allows you to check how the Ad will appear in different dimensions (16:9; 3:2; 1:1). Under each format, we display the filled-in Ads fields (title, description, call to action). We only show areas in the preview block if they are specified. Advertiser Name - pulled from the campaign. If several campaigns are selected and they have different names, the system will display the placeholder.

The Mobile preview is available as well and it has three preview options.

You can switch between "Desktop" and "Mobile" preview options.

The focal point directs the viewer's attention to the preview's most critical or relevant aspect. A well-defined focal point can capture the viewer's interest and encourage them to explore further.

The button is disabled until it has an image. After uploading at least one image, the button becomes active.

The functionality is available only for still images. For video files, the focus point selection is not available (the button is disabled).

When you click the Focal Point button, a side panel opens, displaying the main image and 3 image formats. 

The "focusing" icon is scattered on the main picture. The client can choose the place on the image from which they want to make a crop, and set their coordinates for the crop.