Adform Tracker Integration in MGID Ads

Implement MGID Tracking Code

Pass MGID click_id to the Landing page

Advertiser Uses  the Adform Only

Advertiser Uses Several Click-Tracking Platforms

Other Cases With Advanced Settings

Event-Based Conversions

Implement MGID Tracking Code

As a first step, a client has to place MGID Pixel code on all the pages through the funnel. If the client can't place it on every page, it must be placed at least on a landing page and the page where the final conversion happens. 

Our Pixel code can be found in the admin panel or in the Dashboard when setting up tracking for a campaign.

If you want to track even-based conversions, please navigate to the Event-based conversions part of this guide.

Pass MGID click_id to the Landing page

"click_id" is a unique identifier generated automatically when a user clicks on an MGID ad on a website. 

MGID click identifier should be passed in adclid parameter to the landing page.
Depending on the case, there may be a couple of ways to pass the MGID click identifier. The main thing is to determine which case you are working with:

  • аdvertiser using only the Adform or 
  • several click-tracking platforms

To determine the case, you can use third-party services showing if there are redirects anywhere other than Adform. 

Put the Adform client link and click on the "Trace URL" button. 

For example, this screenshot shows redirects to Adform only and the landing page.


Advertiser Uses  the Adform Only

In this case, if an Advertiser uses the Afdorm only, we need to modify the Adform tracking URL and add an additional parameter cpdir that will include the landing page URL with adclid parameter and {click_id} macro added.


You can use the Adfrom link compiler for this case:

Advertiser Uses Several Click-Tracking Platforms

In this case, an Advertiser uses several click-tracking platforms, after Adform redirects there is an additional click-tracking URL of other platforms, like Adobe, Google Ad Manager, or others.
Most platforms include the final landing URL as a last parameter in the link. 

The advertiser needs to add an additional parameter adclid= in the link to the final landing URL in the tracking system they use. In the MGID system, we have to add the urlappend={click_id} parameter to the Adform tracking link. 


Other Cases With Advanced Settings

When, for example, the final landing URL is dynamic, the client will still need to modify links in Adform and add adclid parameters to the landing URL. 

In this case, adfm_clickid is a macro that will be replaced with click_id value. 


Event-Based Conversions

Firstly, create an event-based conversion in your MGID Dashboard. 

  • Select the MGID Pixel option in the Tracking Methods tab.


Then scroll down to conversion goal creation. 

  • Select Event in Goal type and name the event. 

We recommend adding the client’s ID to the goal name (e.g.: test_even_123456). In addition, you can select an existing goal.


  • Click on the Get event code button and copy the Click event code.


Then, to track the button click event, add the click event code to the relevant HTML element. 

Note that the event name in the Dashboard has to be the same as in the event code.

  • Put the final Adform link to the MGID platform.