Affiliate Network Integration

Postback Setup Algorithm

  1. Add an campaign in Dashboard. 

2. Enter the following parameter/macro into the custom UTM Tracking Tags in Dashboard, and click on the “Save” button:
  1. s1,2,3,4,5={click_id}



Important: the “s” (Sub ID) you're using must coincide with the one in the affiliate network, where the Postback link is entered.

3. Add 1-3 conversion stages (Interest, Desire, Action) in the Conversion Sensors section. 

This can be an existing step or a new one.

1. Click the “Add Step" button [1]. 

2. Select the Postback tab [2].

3. Set the event name [3] (any combination of A-Z characters and numbers). 

4. Set the conversion value (optional) [4]. 

5. Copy the Postback link on the MGID side [5]. 

6. Save the settings [6]. 

The link should look like this:

  1. <br><br><br>
4. Log in to the client's Dashboard.


5. Select the required offer in Dashboard.

Open the Search Campaigns tab and their settings.

6. Set up Sub ID and callbacks

You'll see the Sub-ID & Callbacks sections under the offer settings. 

[1] — select the required Sub-ID option

[2] — choose the required macro {click_id}

[3] — select the URL from the list

[4] — insert the link you got in step 3 of this instruction. 


And save our Pixel.

Fill out the Creative tab. 

[1] — select the type of traffic from the list. For MGID select the “Search" option [2] — by clicking here, you'll get our teasers link. 

[1] — landing selection [2] — link for the teasers


if you used a custom UTM markup in step 2, you must delete the following part of the link

  1. <strong>&s2=%7Bclick%5Fid%7D<br><br></strong>

If there are no custom UTM Tracking Tags, change the following part: 

  1. <strong>&s2={click_id}<br></strong>

Otherwise, the macros will not be set from the MGID side.

In this case the link looks like this:


Checking the Postback URL in Dashboard

This option was designed so that the client could immediately check whether he had set up everything correctly both on his and our side.

During the check clicks are not counted for the client, money for them is not debited, and the verification data is not included in statistics.

To check the correctness of an advertising сampaign and its integration settings, there is an opportunity to check the Postback operation.

To do this, it is necessary to switch to the "Teasers" section in Dashboard.  

In the advertising campaign, follow the link indicated below the teaser:

Perform the desired action (Order, Subscribe, Register, etc.). 

Within 15 minutes the test conversion will be displayed in total statistics of the client’s account (test conversions are displayed in brackets):

You can select an additional parameter for a certain period here in the Statistics section.